# Phoenix Inline SVG

Adds support for inline SVG files in Phoenix Framework. This package
allows you to quickly and easily add SVG files into your HTML templates in Phoenix Framework.

## Installation

Add `phoenix_inline_svg` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:phoenix_inline_svg, "~> 0.2"}]

To make using this package easier add the helpers for this
package as an import to your `web.ex` under the view quote:

def view do
  quote do
    import PhoenixInlineSvg.Helpers

## Usage

### Generic Collection

If you have set up the import in the `web.ex` file a view can use
this module by adding:

<%= svg_image(@conn, "home") %>

Where `home` is the name of the SVG file you want to load.
This will output the HTML:

<i class="generic-svgs generic-home-svg">

By default this will load the SVG file from:


### Collections

There is an optional argument in the function to allow for breaking up
SVG files into collections (or folders on the filesystem):

<%= svg_image(@conn, "user", "fontawesome") %>

<i class="fontawesome-svgs fontawesome-home-svg">

This will load the SVG file from:


## Configuration Options

There are several _optional_ configuration settings for adjusting
this package to your needs:

- `dir`: The directory in the project to load image assets from.
    When using this option make sure you use a directory that is
    outputted to a location that is accessible after a release is
    created for the project. (default: `/priv/static/svg/`)
- `default_collection`: The name of the collection to use by default.
    This is usually overridden to be the primary collection of images.
    (default: `generic`)
- `not_found`: What should be dispayed in the `<i>` when there is
    no SVG file found. Default:
    <svg viewbox='0 0 60 60'>
      <text x='0' y='40' font-size='30' font-weight='bold'