
defmodule Phoenix.LiveView.HTMLFormatter do
  @moduledoc """
  Format HEEx templates from `.heex` files or `~H` sigils.

  This is a `mix format` [plugin](

  > Note: The HEEx HTML Formatter requires Elixir v1.13.4 or later.

  ## Setup

  Add it as plugin to your `.formatter.exs` file and make sure to put the`heex` extension in
  the `inputs` option.

    plugins: [Phoenix.LiveView.HTMLFormatter],
    inputs: ["*.{heex,ex,exs}", "priv/*/seeds.exs", "{config,lib,test}/**/*.{heex,ex,exs}"],
    # ...

  > ### For umbrella projects {: .info}
  > In umbrella projects you must also change two files at the umbrella root,
  > add `:phoenix_live_view` to your `deps` in the `mix.exs` file
  > and add `plugins: [Phoenix.LiveView.HTMLFormatter]` in the `.formatter.exs` file.
  > This is because the formatter does not attempt to load the dependencies of all children applications.

  ## Options

  * `:line_length` - The Elixir formatter defaults to a maximum line length
    of 98 characters, which can be overwritten with the `:line_length` option
    in your `.formatter.exs` file.

  * `:heex_line_length` - change the line length only for the HEEx formatter.

      # ...omitted
      heex_line_length: 300

  ## Formatting

  This formatter tries to be as consistent as possible with the Elixir formatter.

  Given HTML like this:

    <section><h1>   <b><%= %></b></h1></section>

  It will be formatted as:

    <h1><b><%= %></b></h1>

  A block element will go to the next line, while inline elements will be kept in the current line
  as long as they fit within the configured line length.

  The following links list all block and inline elements.


  It will also keep inline elements in their own lines if you intentionally write them this way:

      <b><%= %></b>

  This formatter will place all attributes on their own lines when they do not all fit in the
  current line. Therefore this:

  <section id="user-section-id" class="sm:focus:block flex w-full p-3" phx-click="send-event">

  Will be formatted to:

    class="sm:focus:block flex w-full p-3"

  This formatter **does not** format Elixir expressions with `do...end`.
  The content within it will be formatted accordingly though. Therefore, the given

  <%= live_redirect(
         to: "/my/path",
    class: "my class"
  ) do %>
          My Link
  <% end %>

  Will be formatted to

  <%= live_redirect(
         to: "/my/path",
    class: "my class"
  ) do %>
    My Link
  <% end %>

  Note that only the text `My Link` has been formatted.

  ### Intentional new lines

  The formatter will keep intentional new lines. However, the formatter will
  always keep a maximum of one line break in case you have multiple ones:



  Will be formatted to:



  ### Inline elements

  We don't format inline elements when there is a text without whitespace before
  or after the element. Otherwise it would compromise what is rendered adding
  an extra whitespace.

  This is the list of inline elements:

  ### Special attributes

  In case you don't want part of your HTML to be automatically formatted. you
  can use `phx-no-format` attr so that the formatter will skip the element block.
  Note that this attribute will not be rendered.


  <.textarea phx-no-format>My content</.textarea>

  Will be kept as is your code editor, but rendered as:

  <textarea>My content</textarea>

  ### Inline comments <%# comment %>

  Inline comments `<%# comment %>` are deprecated and the formatter will discard them silently
  from templates. You must change them to the multi-line comment `<%!-- comment --%>` on
  Elixir v1.14+ or the regular line comment `<%= # comment %>`.

  alias Phoenix.LiveView.HTMLAlgebra
  alias Phoenix.LiveView.HTMLTokenizer

  # Reference for all inline elements so that we can tell the formatter to not
  # force a line break. This list has been taken from here:
  @inline_elements ~w(a abbr acronym audio b bdi bdo big br button canvas cite
  code data datalist del dfn em embed i iframe img input ins kbd label map
  mark meter noscript object output picture progress q ruby s samp select slot
  small span strong sub sup svg template textarea time u tt var video wbr)

  # Default line length to be used in case nothing is specified in the `.formatter.exs` options.
  @default_line_length 98

  if Version.match?(System.version(), ">= 1.13.0") do
    @behaviour Mix.Tasks.Format

  # TODO: Add it back after versions before Elixir 1.13 are no longer supported.
  # @impl Mix.Tasks.Format
  @doc false
  def features(_opts) do
    [sigils: [:H], extensions: [".heex"]]

  # TODO: Add it back after versions before Elixir 1.13 are no longer supported.
  # @impl Mix.Tasks.Format
  @doc false
  def format(contents, opts) do
    line_length = opts[:heex_line_length] || opts[:line_length] || @default_line_length

    formatted =
      |> tokenize()
      |> to_tree([], [])
      |> Inspect.Algebra.format(line_length)

    # If the opening delimiter is a single character, such as ~H"...",
    # do not add trailing newline.
    newline = if match?(<<_>>, opts[:opening_delimiter]), do: [], else: ?\n

    # TODO: Remove IO.iodata_to_binary/1 call on Elixir v1.14+
    IO.iodata_to_binary([formatted, newline])

  # Tokenize contents using EEx.tokenize and Phoenix.Live.HTMLTokenizer respectively.
  # The following content:
  # "<section>\n  <p><%= ></p>\n  <%= if true do %> <p>this</p><% else %><p>that</p><% end %>\n</section>\n"
  # Will be tokenized as:
  # [
  #   {:tag_open, "section", [], %{column: 1, line: 1}},
  #   {:text, "\n  ", %{column_end: 3, line_end: 2}},
  #   {:tag_open, "p", [], %{column: 3, line: 2}},
  #   {:eex_tag_render, "<%= ></p>\n  <%= if true do %>", %{block?: true, column: 6, line: 1}},
  #   {:text, " ", %{column_end: 2, line_end: 1}},
  #   {:tag_open, "p", [], %{column: 2, line: 1}},
  #   {:text, "this", %{column_end: 12, line_end: 1}},
  #   {:tag_close, "p", %{column: 12, line: 1}},
  #   {:eex_tag, "<% else %>", %{block?: false, column: 35, line: 2}},
  #   {:tag_open, "p", [], %{column: 1, line: 1}},
  #   {:text, "that", %{column_end: 14, line_end: 1}},
  #   {:tag_close, "p", %{column: 14, line: 1}},
  #   {:eex_tag, "<% end %>", %{block?: false, column: 62, line: 2}},
  #   {:text, "\n", %{column_end: 1, line_end: 2}},
  #   {:tag_close, "section", %{column: 1, line: 2}}
  # ]
  # EEx.tokenize/2 was introduced in Elixir 1.14.
  # TODO: Remove this when we no longer support earlier versions.
  @eex_expr [:start_expr, :expr, :end_expr, :middle_expr]
  if Code.ensure_loaded?(EEx) && function_exported?(EEx, :tokenize, 2) do
    defp tokenize(contents) do
      {:ok, eex_nodes} = EEx.tokenize(contents)
      {tokens, cont} = Enum.reduce(eex_nodes, {[], :text}, &do_tokenize/2)
      HTMLTokenizer.finalize(tokens, "nofile", cont)

    defp do_tokenize({:text, text, _meta}, {tokens, cont}) do
      |> List.to_string()
      |> HTMLTokenizer.tokenize("nofile", 0, [], tokens, cont)

    defp do_tokenize({:comment, text, meta}, {tokens, cont}) do
      {[{:eex_comment, List.to_string(text), meta} | tokens], cont}

    defp do_tokenize({type, opt, expr, %{column: column, line: line}}, {tokens, cont})
         when type in @eex_expr do
      meta = %{opt: opt, line: line, column: column}
      {[{:eex, type, expr |> List.to_string() |> String.trim(), meta} | tokens], cont}
    defp tokenize(contents) do
      {:ok, eex_nodes} = EEx.Tokenizer.tokenize(contents, 1, 0, %{indentation: 0, trim: false})
      {tokens, cont} = Enum.reduce(eex_nodes, {[], :text}, &do_tokenize/2)
      HTMLTokenizer.finalize(tokens, "nofile", cont)

    defp do_tokenize({:text, _line, _column, text}, {tokens, cont}) do
      |> List.to_string()
      |> HTMLTokenizer.tokenize("nofile", 0, [], tokens, cont)

    defp do_tokenize({type, line, column, opt, expr}, {tokens, cont}) when type in @eex_expr do
      meta = %{opt: opt, line: line, column: column}
      {[{:eex, type, expr |> List.to_string() |> String.trim(), meta} | tokens], cont}

  defp do_tokenize(_node, acc) do

  # Build an HTML Tree according to the tokens from the EEx and HTML tokenizers.
  # This is a recursive algorithm that will build an HTML tree from a flat list of
  # tokens. For instance, given this input:
  # [
  #   {:tag_open, "div", [], %{column: 1, line: 1}},
  #   {:tag_open, "h1", [], %{column: 6, line: 1}},
  #   {:text, "Hello", %{column_end: 15, line_end: 1}},
  #   {:tag_close, "h1", %{column: 15, line: 1}},
  #   {:tag_close, "div", %{column: 20, line: 1}},
  #   {:tag_open, "div", [], %{column: 1, line: 2}},
  #   {:tag_open, "h1", [], %{column: 6, line: 2}},
  #   {:text, "World", %{column_end: 15, line_end: 2}},
  #   {:tag_close, "h1", %{column: 15, line: 2}},
  #   {:tag_close, "div", %{column: 20, line: 2}}
  # ]
  # The output will be:
  # [
  #   {:tag_block, "div", [], [{:tag_block, "h1", [], [text: "Hello"]}]},
  #   {:tag_block, "div", [], [{:tag_block, "h1", [], [text: "World"]}]}
  # ]
  # Note that a `tag_block` has been created so that its fourth argument is a list of
  # its nested content.
  # ### How does this algorithm work?
  # As this is a recursive algorithm, it starts with an empty buffer and an empty
  # stack. The buffer will be accumulated until it finds a `{:tag_open, ..., ...}`.
  # As soon as the `tag_open` arrives, a new buffer will be started and we move
  # the previous buffer to the stack along with the `tag_open`:
  #   ```
  #   defp build([{:tag_open, name, attrs, _meta} | tokens], buffer, stack) do
  #     build(tokens, [], [{name, attrs, buffer} | stack])
  #   end
  #   ```
  # Then, we start to populate the buffer again until a `{:tag_close, ...} arrives:
  #   ```
  #   defp build([{:tag_close, name, _meta} | tokens], buffer, [{name, attrs, upper_buffer} | stack]) do
  #     build(tokens, [{:tag_block, name, attrs, Enum.reverse(buffer)} | upper_buffer], stack)
  #   end
  #   ```
  # In the snippet above, we build the `tag_block` with the accumulated buffer,
  # putting the buffer accumulated before the tag open (upper_buffer) on top.
  # We apply the same logic for `eex` expressions but, instead of `tag_open` and
  # `tag_close`, eex expressions use `start_expr`, `middle_expr` and `end_expr`.
  # The only real difference is that also need to handle `middle_buffer`.
  # So given this eex input:
  # ```elixir
  # [
  #   {:eex, :start_expr, "if true do", %{column: 0, line: 0, opt: '='}},
  #   {:text, "\n  ", %{column_end: 3, line_end: 2}},
  #   {:eex, :expr, "\"Hello\"", %{column: 3, line: 1, opt: '='}},
  #   {:text, "\n", %{column_end: 1, line_end: 2}},
  #   {:eex, :middle_expr, "else", %{column: 1, line: 2, opt: []}},
  #   {:text, "\n  ", %{column_end: 3, line_end: 2}},
  #   {:eex, :expr, "\"World\"", %{column: 3, line: 3, opt: '='}},
  #   {:text, "\n", %{column_end: 1, line_end: 2}},
  #   {:eex, :end_expr, "end", %{column: 1, line: 4, opt: []}}
  # ]
  # ```
  # The output will be:
  # ```elixir
  # [
  #   {:eex_block, "if true do",
  #    [
  #      {[{:eex, "\"Hello\"", %{column: 3, line: 1, opt: '='}}], "else"},
  #      {[{:eex, "\"World\"", %{column: 3, line: 3, opt: '='}}], "end"}
  #    ]}
  # ]
  # ```
  defp to_tree([], buffer, []) do

  defp to_tree([{:text, text, %{context: [:comment_start]}} | tokens], buffer, stack) do
    to_tree(tokens, [], [{:comment, text, buffer} | stack])

  defp to_tree([{:text, text, %{context: [:comment_end]}} | tokens], buffer, [
         {:comment, start_text, upper_buffer} | stack
       ]) do
    buffer = Enum.reverse([{:text, String.trim_trailing(text), %{}} | buffer])

    text = {:text, String.trim_leading(start_text), %{}}
    to_tree(tokens, [{:html_comment, [text | buffer]} | upper_buffer], stack)

  defp to_tree(
         [{:text, text, %{context: [:comment_start, :comment_end]}} | tokens],
       ) do
    to_tree(tokens, [{:comment, text} | buffer], stack)

  defp to_tree([{:text, text, _meta} | tokens], buffer, stack) do
    buffer = may_set_preserve(buffer, text)

    if line_html_comment?(text) do
      to_tree(tokens, [{:comment, text} | buffer], stack)
      meta = %{newlines: count_newlines_until_text(text, 0)}
      to_tree(tokens, [{:text, text, meta} | buffer], stack)

  defp to_tree([{:eex_comment, text, _meta} | tokens], buffer, stack) do
    to_tree(tokens, [{:eex_comment, text} | buffer], stack)

  defp to_tree([{:tag_open, name, attrs, %{self_close: true}} | tokens], buffer, stack) do
    to_tree(tokens, [{:tag_self_close, name, attrs} | buffer], stack)

  @void_tags ~w(area base br col hr img input link meta param command keygen source)
  defp to_tree([{:tag_open, name, attrs, _meta} | tokens], buffer, stack)
       when name in @void_tags do
    to_tree(tokens, [{:tag_self_close, name, attrs} | buffer], stack)

  defp to_tree([{:tag_open, name, attrs, _meta} | tokens], buffer, stack) do
    to_tree(tokens, [], [{name, attrs, buffer} | stack])

  defp to_tree([{:tag_close, name, _meta} | tokens], buffer, [{name, attrs, upper_buffer} | stack]) do
    mode =
      cond do
        preserve_format?(name, upper_buffer, attrs) ->

        name in @inline_elements ->

        true ->

    tag_block = {:tag_block, name, attrs, Enum.reverse(buffer), %{mode: mode}}

    to_tree(tokens, [tag_block | upper_buffer], stack)

  # handle eex

  defp to_tree([{:eex, :start_expr, expr, _meta} | tokens], buffer, stack) do
    to_tree(tokens, [], [{:eex_block, expr, buffer} | stack])

  defp to_tree([{:eex, :middle_expr, middle_expr, _meta} | tokens], buffer, [
         {:eex_block, expr, upper_buffer, middle_buffer} | stack
       ]) do
    middle_buffer = [{Enum.reverse(buffer), middle_expr} | middle_buffer]
    to_tree(tokens, [], [{:eex_block, expr, upper_buffer, middle_buffer} | stack])

  defp to_tree([{:eex, :middle_expr, middle_expr, _meta} | tokens], buffer, [
         {:eex_block, expr, upper_buffer} | stack
       ]) do
    middle_buffer = [{Enum.reverse(buffer), middle_expr}]
    to_tree(tokens, [], [{:eex_block, expr, upper_buffer, middle_buffer} | stack])

  defp to_tree([{:eex, :end_expr, end_expr, _meta} | tokens], buffer, [
         {:eex_block, expr, upper_buffer, middle_buffer} | stack
       ]) do
    block = Enum.reverse([{Enum.reverse(buffer), end_expr} | middle_buffer])
    to_tree(tokens, [{:eex_block, expr, block} | upper_buffer], stack)

  defp to_tree([{:eex, :end_expr, end_expr, _meta} | tokens], buffer, [
         {:eex_block, expr, upper_buffer} | stack
       ]) do
    block = [{Enum.reverse(buffer), end_expr}]
    to_tree(tokens, [{:eex_block, expr, block} | upper_buffer], stack)

  defp to_tree([{:eex, _type, expr, meta} | tokens], buffer, stack) do
    to_tree(tokens, [{:eex, expr, meta} | buffer], stack)

  # -- HELPERS

  defp count_newlines_until_text(<<char, rest::binary>>, counter) when char in '\s\t\r',
    do: count_newlines_until_text(rest, counter)

  defp count_newlines_until_text(<<?\n, rest::binary>>, counter),
    do: count_newlines_until_text(rest, counter + 1)

  defp count_newlines_until_text(_, counter),
    do: counter

  # We just want to handle as :comment when the whole line is a HTML comment.
  #   <!-- Modal content -->
  #   <%= render_slot(@inner_block) %>
  # Thefore the case above will stay as is. Otherwise it would put them in the
  # same line.
  defp line_html_comment?(text) do
    trimmed_text = String.trim(text)
    String.starts_with?(trimmed_text, "<!--") and String.ends_with?(trimmed_text, "-->")

  # We want to preserve the format:
  # * In case the head is a text that doesn't end with whitespace.
  # * In case the head is eex.
  # * In case it contains special attrs such as contenteditable or phx-no-format.
  defp preserve_format?(name, upper_buffer, attrs) do
    name in ["pre", "textarea"] or
      (name in @inline_elements and head_may_not_have_whitespace?(upper_buffer)) or

  defp head_may_not_have_whitespace?([{:text, text, _meta} | _]),
    do: if(String.trim_leading(text) == "", do: false, else: !(:binary.last(text) in '\s\t'))

  defp head_may_not_have_whitespace?([{:eex, _, _} | _]), do: true
  defp head_may_not_have_whitespace?(_), do: false

  # In case the given tag is inline and the there is no white spaces in the next
  # text, we want to set mode as preserve. So this tag will not be formatted.
  defp may_set_preserve([{:tag_block, name, attrs, block, meta} | list], text)
       when name in @inline_elements do
    mode =
      if String.trim_leading(text) != "" and :binary.first(text) not in '\s\t\n\r' do

    [{:tag_block, name, attrs, block, %{mode: mode}} | list]

  defp may_set_preserve(buffer, _text), do: buffer

  defp contains_special_attrs?(attrs) do
    Enum.any?(attrs, fn
      {"contenteditable", {:string, "false", _meta}} -> false
      {"contenteditable", _v} -> true
      {"phx-no-format", _v} -> true
      _ -> false