# Phoenix Live View Dropzone
A file upload solution for Phoenix Live View.
## Use case
When you wish to upload file(s) in the background of your Live View to a pre authenticated resource.
This can be a route within your Phoenix app, or it can be to a 3rd party store such as S3. \
This implementation was developed against an application that provided S3 signed urls for uploads.
## Usage
Use the provided `PhoenixLiveViewDropzone` stateless Live Component for integration into your view.
<%= live_component @socket, PhoenixLiveViewDropzone, file_data: @file_data %>
Where `@file_data` is expected to be a map `%{id: id, url: url}` which can be blank by default.
When a file is uploaded the view will emit `phx-dropzone` events via live view in the following structure:
[event_name, event_payload]
e.g. `handle_event/3` would be implemented as:
def handle_event("phx-dropzone", [_event, _payload], socket) do
{:noreply, socket}
There are two events currently supported:
1) `generate-url`
Is issued on the file first being selected to generate a url to upload to. The payload is:
%{"id" => "string-id-for-file", "name" => "string-filename-on-disk" }
To respond to this you are expected to assign `file_data` to `%{id: id, url: your_url}`. \
You need to do this only long enough for the updated hook to fire and uploading to begin.
2) `file-status`
Is issued as the file is uploaded, and on completion. The payload id:
"id" => "string-id-for-file", # the files id
"name" => "string-filename-on-disk", # the files name
"progress" => 42, # as a percentage
"sent" => 42, # as a number of bytes sent
"size" => 100, # size of file in bytes
"status" => "string" # one of inProgress, Done, Error
### Options
The following assigns can be set to customise various attributes:
* `dom_id` - string - Sets the id attribute on the outer div, defaults to `phoenix-live-view-dropzone`.
* `css_class` - string - Sets the class attribute on the outer div, defaults to `phoenix-live-view-dropzone`.
* `hook_name` - string - Sets the `phx-hook` value on the outer div, defaults to `PhoenixLiveViewDropzone`.
* `button_text` - string - Sets the text of the button in the drop zone.
* `file_types` - string or list of strings - Sets the mime types the file picker will allow.
* `target` - string - Sets the phx-target value for events.
* `text` - string - Sets text that will be displayed above the button in the dropzone.
## Installation
This package assumes you have a working Live View setup. Follow the instructions for setting up live view first.
Then the package can be installed by adding `phoenix_live_view_dropzone` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:phoenix_live_view_dropzone, "~> 0.0.7"}
You then need to wire up the package dependency, in your package.json add:
"phoenix_live_view_drop_zone": "file:../deps/phoenix_live_view_dropzone"
And connect the hook.
import { PhoenixLiveViewDropzone } from "phoenix_live_view_drop_zone";
let Hooks = {};
Hooks.PhoenixLiveViewDropzone = new PhoenixLiveViewDropzone();
let csrfToken = document.querySelector("meta[name='csrf-token']").getAttribute("content");
let liveSocket = new LiveSocket("/live", Socket, {hooks: Hooks, params: {_csrf_token: csrfToken}});