# Phoenix Template Engine for Markdown
Current version: 0.1.2

> Powered by [Earmark](

## Usage

  1. Add `{:phoenix_markdown, "~> 0.1"}` to your deps in `mix.exs`.
  2. Add the following to your Phoenix `config/config.exs`

    config :phoenix, :template_engines,
      md: PhoenixMarkdown.Engine

    If you are also using the [phoenix_haml]( engine, then it should look like this:
    config :phoenix, :template_engines,
      haml: PhoenixHaml.Engine,
      md:   PhoenixMarkdown.Engine

  3. Use the `` extensions for your templates.

## Optional

Add md extension to Phoenix live reload in `config/dev.exs`

  config :hello_phoenix, HelloPhoenix.Endpoint,
    live_reload: [
      patterns: [

If you are also using the [phoenix_haml]( engine, then the pattern should look like this:

  config :hello_phoenix, HelloPhoenix.Endpoint,
    live_reload: [
      patterns: [

## Generators / Use

There are no generators for phoenix_markdown since they wouldn't make sense.

[Markdown]( is intended to be written by a human in any simple text editor ( or a fancy one like [iA Writer]( ). Just create a file with the `` extension and drop it into the appropriate templates folder in your phoenix application. Then you can use it just like any other template.