defmodule PhoenixPages do
@moduledoc """
Blogs, docs, and static pages in Phoenix. Check out the [README](readme.html) to get started.
## Options
* `:otp_app` - The name of the OTP application to use as the base directory when looking for
page files. This value is required.
* `:render_options` - Allows the renderers to be configured. See `pages/4` for the options.
@type page :: PhoenixPages.Page.t()
defmacro __using__(opts) do
quote bind_quoted: [opts: opts] do
@behaviour PhoenixPages
@before_compile PhoenixPages
import PhoenixPages, only: [pages: 4]
# find all the installed makeup lexers and starts them
{lexers, lexers_hash} = PhoenixPages.Helpers.list_lexers()
for lexer <- lexers, do: Application.ensure_all_started(lexer)
@phoenix_pages_app_dir Keyword.fetch!(opts, :otp_app) |> Application.app_dir()
@phoenix_pages_render_opts Keyword.get(opts, :render_options, [])
@phoenix_pages_lexers_hash lexers_hash
Module.register_attribute(__MODULE__, :phoenix_pages_from, accumulate: true)
defmacro __before_compile__(_env) do
quote do
@impl true
def get_pages(id), do: :error
@impl true
def get_pages!(id) do
raise PhoenixPages.NotFoundError, id: id
# this can screw things up in development (-_-)
# if having problems with not recompiling for tests, run `MIX_ENV=test mix compile --force`
def __mix_recompile__? do
# recompile if a new makeup lexer dependency is added
PhoenixPages.Helpers.list_lexers() |> elem(1) != @phoenix_pages_lexers_hash,
# recompile if any pages were added or removed
Enum.any?(@phoenix_pages_from, fn {from, hash} ->
PhoenixPages.Helpers.list_files(@phoenix_pages_app_dir, from) |> elem(1) != hash
@doc """
Finds all the pages matching a pattern and generates a GET route for each one.
## Options
* `:id` - The ID for this collection of pages so they can later be accessed with
[`get_pages/1`](PhoenixPages.html#c:get_pages/1) and [`get_pages!/1`](PhoenixPages.html#c:get_pages!/1).
This is only required if using those functions.
* `:from` - The [wildcard pattern]( used
to look for pages on the filesystem. Make sure the base directory is included in your release
(`priv` is included by default). Defaults to `priv/pages/**/*.md`.
* `:sort` - The order of the pages returned when using `get_pages/1` and `get_pages!/1`.
Defined as a tuple with the first element being an atom for the sort value (which can be any
value from the attributes), and the second element being either `:asc` or `:desc`.
* `:attrs` - A list of attributes used when parsing the markdown frontmatter for each page.
Atoms will be required for each page, key values will be optional with a default value.
Defaults to `[]`.
* `:render_options` - Allows the renderers to be configured. This can also be set globally in
the [module options](PhoenixPages.html#module-options).
* `:markdown` - Allows the Earmark renderer to be configured.
* `:hard_breaks` - Whether to convert hard line breaks to `<br>` tags. Defaults to `false`.
* `:wiki_links` - Whether to enable wiki-style links such as `[[page]]`. Defaults to `true`.
* `:pure_links` - Whether to convert raw URLs to `<a>` tags. Defaults to `true`.
* `:sub_sup` - Whether to convert `~x~` and `^x^` to `<sub>` and `<sup>` tags. Defaults to `true`.
* `:footnotes` - Whether to enable footnotes. Defaults to `true`.
* `:smartypants` - Whether to enable [smartypants]( Defaults to `true`.
* `:compact_output` - Whether to avoid indentation and minimize whitespace in output. Defaults to `false`.
* `:escape_html` - Whether to allow raw HTML in markdown. Defaults to `false`.
* `:syntax_highlighting` - Whether to enable Makeup syntax highlighting. Defaults to `true`.
* `:code_class_prefix` - A class prefix to add to the language class of code blocks.
* All other options are passed to [`Phoenix.Router.match/5`](
defmacro pages(path, plug, plug_opts, opts \\ []) do
quote bind_quoted: [path: path, plug: plug, plug_opts: plug_opts, opts: opts] do
{id, opts} = Keyword.pop(opts, :id)
{from, opts} = Keyword.pop(opts, :from, "priv/pages/**/*.md")
{sort, opts} = Keyword.pop(opts, :sort)
{attrs, opts} = Keyword.pop(opts, :attrs, [])
{render_opts, opts} = Keyword.pop(opts, :render_options, @phoenix_pages_render_opts)
{files, hash} = PhoenixPages.Helpers.list_files(@phoenix_pages_app_dir, from)
assigns = Keyword.get(opts, :assigns, %{})
pages =
for file <- files do
@external_resource file
path = PhoenixPages.Helpers.into_path(path, file, from)
filename = Path.relative_to(file, @phoenix_pages_app_dir)
{data, content} =!(file) |> PhoenixPages.Frontmatter.parse(filename)
assigns = Map.merge(assigns, PhoenixPages.Frontmatter.cast(data, attrs))
inner_content = PhoenixPages.render(content, filename, render_opts)
assigns = Map.put(assigns, :inner_content, inner_content)
path: path,
filename: filename,
content: content,
assigns: assigns
for page <- pages do
opts = Keyword.put(opts, :assigns, page.assigns)
Phoenix.Router.get(page.path, plug, plug_opts, opts)
@phoenix_pages PhoenixPages.sort(pages, sort)
@phoenix_pages_from {from, hash}
if id do
@impl true
def get_pages(unquote_splicing([id])) do
# the page id is guaranteed to exist, as it's being defined below
{:ok, get_pages!(unquote(id))}
@impl true
def get_pages!(unquote_splicing([id])) do
@doc false
def sort(pages, {sort_by, sort_dir}) do
Enum.sort_by(pages, &Map.get(&1.assigns, sort_by), sort_dir)
def sort(pages, _), do: pages
@doc false
def render(content, filename, opts) do
case Path.extname(filename) do
ext when ext in [".md", ".markdown"] ->
markdown_opts = Keyword.get(opts, :markdown, [])
PhoenixPages.Markdown.render(content, filename, markdown_opts)
_ ->
@doc """
Gets a list of pages for a given ID. See the `:id` option in `pages/4`.
This can be used to get a list of pages from within a controller for index pages or further
customization such as finding related pages, filtering by a value, etc. Returns `{:ok, pages}`
if successful, or `:error` if no pages were defined with the ID.
@callback get_pages(id :: atom | binary) :: {:ok, list(page)} | :error
@doc """
Same as `get_pages/1`, but will raise `PhoenixPages.NotFoundError` if no pages were defined with
the ID.
@callback get_pages!(id :: atom | binary) :: list(page)