# PhoenixPubsubRedisZ

Yet another Redis PubSub adapter for Phoenix. Supports sharding across multiple redis nodes.

## Installation

# mix.exs
def deps do
    {:phoenix_pubsub_redis_z, "~> 0.1.0"}

## Usage

Add it to your Endpoint's config:
config :my_app, MyApp.Endpoint,
  pubsub: [
    name: MyApp.PubSub,
    adapter: Phoenix.PubSub.RedisZ,
    redis_urls: ["redis://redis01:6379/0", "redis://redis02:6379/0"]

### Options

Option                 | Description                                                            | Default  |
:--------------------- | :--------------------------------------------------------------------- | :------- |
`:name`                | The required name to register the PubSub processes, ie: `MyApp.PubSub` |          |
`:redis_urls`          | The required redis-server URL list                                     |          |
`:node_name`           | The name of the node                                                   | `node()` |
`:pool_size`           | The pool size of local pubsub server                                   | 1        |
`:publisher_pool_size` | The pool size of redis publish connections for each redis-server       | 8        |