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  Phoenix Reactify

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**Phoenix Reactify** is an amazing **mix task** capable of adding a simple React implementation to your fresh **phoenix projects**.

⚠ **WARNING**: Currently, because of some webpack version related issues, this library its only compatible with **Phoenix 1.5.9+** or any other that have webpack ~4.5 as peer-dependency.

### How does PhoenixReactify works?

It uses the amazing [remount]( library to make your entire SPA App into a html tag, so that you can use into your phoenix application's templates

## Installation

My first idea was to release it as a mix archive, so that you could use it in any project, once installed, just like `mix` command. But since mix archives cannot bundle dependencies (and this project has), I had to release it in two different ways:

- As a package, that you can install like this, pasting this code into your **mix.exs** file:

def deps do
    # other dependencies
    {:phoenix_reactify, "~> 0.0.4"}

Feel free to remove it from the dependencies once you've set up your project 😄

- Or, at every release I put a binary-compiled file altogether, you can download it [directly from the releases page](, and then, run it inside your fresh phoenix project.

$ ./phoenix_reactify

## Usage

At this moment, Phoenix Reactify supports these options:

- -p, --project: Specifies the React project name (Default to SPA).
- -v, --verbose: Ensures verbose output.
- -t, --typescript: Enables Typescript support.
- --npm-force-install: Uses the **force** keyword on npm installations.

mix phx.reactify --typescript --project <PROJECT-NAME> --verbose

By default, the library already puts the first entrypoint tag to the default elixir first page template (lib/\<project-name>\_web/templates/page/index.html.eex). But you can always create new tags and even multiple SPAs! If you want this kind of behaviour, please refer to [Advanced Usage](

With your default first tag set, just fire up localhost:4000 (default phoenix server port), and you should see that, if everything gone well:


⚠ **WARNING**: be careful with route conflicts between the applications

## ToDo

- 🕐 Automatic route mapping (probably via macros or something like that).
- 🕐 Bundle dependencies together to distribute as mix archive.
- ✅ Typescript support (deppends on babel).
- ✅ Auto-Inject first generated tag (not trully necessary, but I think it would be more user-friendly).

## License
