# PhoenixSlime.LiveView.CollocatedTemplate

Collocate Slime live templates with live views

# Authorship

This module is based on code copied from [phoenix_live_view].


# Motivation

Phoenix live views and templates in EEx format can be collocated.
The EEx template *must* have the `.leex` extension for this to work.

This library implements the same behaviour via a macro:

use PhoenixSlime.LiveView.CollocatedTemplate

Slime live templates, by default have the extension `.slimleex`.

If you want to specify a different extension, e.g. `.slive`,
for your collocated templates, invoke the macro as follows:

use PhoenixSlime.LiveView.CollocatedTemplate, extension: :slive

# Installation

The package can be installed by adding
`phoenix_slime_live_view_collocated_template` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:phoenix_slime_live_view_collocated_template, "~> 0.1.0"}

# Documentation

Documentation is [here][documentation].


# License

MIT license. Please see [LICENSE][license] for details.