# Phoenix SVG
Use inline SVGs in Phoenix apps. This module will load the files during compilation so you don't have to worry about performance, handle refreshing the cache when the files change, inline the SVG tags into your templates, and includes support for defining custom attributes with defaults.
## Installation
def deps do
{:phoenix_svg, "~> 1.0"}
The recommended way to install into your Phoenix application is to create a file at `lib/myapp_web/svg.ex` (replacing `myapp` with the name of your app):
defmodule MyAppWeb.SVG do
use PhoenixSVG, otp_app: :myapp
This is so the files are only read and cached once. Then you can simply import `MyAppWeb.SVG` wherever you need to use the component. A good place to do this is in the `html_helpers` function in `lib/myapp_web.ex`:
defp html_helpers do
quote do
# ...
import MyAppWeb.SVG
# ...
## Getting Started
Now when you start your Phoenix server, all the SVG files located in `priv/svgs` will be loaded into memory and can be used with the svg component. For example, if you have a file at `priv/svgs/checkmark.svg`:
<.svg name="checkmark" />
An error will be raised if the file is not found. If your svgs are nested in a subdirectory, specify a list in the `path` attribute with one item representing each folder. e.g. for `priv/svgs/branding/circle/checkmark.svg`:
<.svg name="checkmark" path={["branding", "circle"]} />
Any attributes defined will be passed through to the `<svg>` tag:
<.svg name="checkmark" class="foobar" />
## Local Development
If you add, remove, or change svg files while running `mix phx.server`, they will automatically be replaced in the cache and you don't have to restart for them to take effect. To live reload when an svg file changes, add to the patterns list of the Endpoint config in `config/dev.exs`:
config :myapp, MyAppWeb.Endpoint,
live_reload: [
patterns: [
# ...
# ...