
# PhoenixUp

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*PhoenixUp* provides extra generators for developing *Phoenix* projects:

`phx_up.gen.controller Some.ControllerName some_action another_action` (`phx_up.gen.c`)

`phx_up.gen.view Some.ViewName` (`phx_up.gen.v`)

`phx_up.gen.controller_view Some.ControllerViewName some_action another_action` (``)

`phx_up.gen.template some/template/path` (`phx_up.gen.t`)

`phx_up.gen.controller_view_template Some.ControllerName some_action another_action` (`phx_up.gen.cvt`)

`phx_up.gen.module Some.ModuleName` (`phx_up.gen.m`)

`phx_up.gen.web_module Some.WebModuleName` (`phx_up.gen.wm`)

`phx_up.gen.plug Some.PlugName` (`phx_up.gen.p`)

All the files generated come with the corresponding test file.

All generators has its deletion version:

`phx_up.del.controller Some.ControllerName` (`phx_up.del.c`)

`phx_up.del.view Some.ViewName` (`phx_up.del.v`)

`phx_up.del.controller_view Some.ControllerViewName` (``)

`phx_up.del.template some/template/path` (`phx_up.del.t`)

`phx_up.del.controller_view_template Some.ControllerName` (`phx_up.del.cvt`)

`phx_up.del.module Some.ModuleName` (`phx_up.del.m`)

`phx_up.del.web_module Some.WebModuleName` (`phx_up.del.wm`)

`phx_up.del.plug Some.PlugName` (`phx_up.del.p`)

You can find more in-depth [documentation here](

I hope you **enjoy**!

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `phoenix_up` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:phoenix_up, "~> 0.1.7", only: :dev}

## Contribute

*PhoenixUp* is not only for me, but for the *Elixir* community.

I'm totally open to new ideas. Fork, open issues and feel free to contribute with no bureaucracy. We only need to keep some patterns to maintain an organization:

#### branchs

*your_branch_name* or *your-branch-name*

#### commits

*[your_branch_name] Your commit* or *[your-branch-name] Your commit*