
defmodule Phoenix.WebComponent.Markdown do
  @moduledoc """
  Render markdown in to remark-element.

  The remark-element supported markdown featrues:
    * github flavor
    * auto highlight code with lowlight.js and auto detect system light/dark themes.
    * charts render by mermaid.js

  use Phoenix.WebComponent, :html

  @doc """
  Generates a html customElement remark-element to preview markdown.

  Docs of remark-element (See

  ## Examples

      <.wc_markdown class="dark"># Hello</.wc_markdown>
      #=> <remark-element class="dark"># Hello</remark-element>

      <.wc_markdown class="btn"># Hello</.wc_markdown>
      #=> <remark-element class="btn"># Hello</remark-element>

  @doc type: :component
  attr(:id, :any,
    default: false,
    doc: """
    html attribute id

  attr(:class, :any,
    default: "",
    doc: """
    html attribute class

  attr(:debug, :boolean,
    default: false,
    doc: """
    remark-element attribute, enable debug

  attr(:content, :string,
    default: "",
    doc: """
    markdown content

  def wc_markdown(assigns) do
    <remark-element id={@id} debug={@debug} class={@class}><%= @content %></remark-element>