# PhpAssocMap

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Library that parses PHP's associative array into Elixir's map.

At his current state,

## Installation

Add the following to your `mix.exs` file:
defp deps do
    # ...
    {:php_assoc_map, "~> 0.4"}

Don't forget to run `mix deps.get` to update dependencies

## Usage

### Parsing

#### To map

If you would like to retrieve a map of you array, the function `to_map/1` will do the job.
source = """
  'lvl_1_1' => [
    'lvl_2_1' => 1,
    'lvl_2_2' => 'Single quoted string',
    'lvl_2_3' => "Double quoted string"
  'lvl_1_2' => false

PhpAssocMap.to_map source

# Outputs
  "lvl_1_1": %{
    "lvl_2_1": 1,
    "lvl_2_2": "Single quoted string",
    "lvl_2_3": "Double quoted string"
  "lvl_1_2": false


#### To tuple

If you would like to retrieve a list o tuple instead of mapof you array, the function `to_tuple/1` will be your friend.
source = """
  'lvl_1_1' => [
    'lvl_2_1' => 1,
    'lvl_2_2' => 'Single quoted string',
    'lvl_2_3' => "Double quoted string"
  'lvl_1_2' => false

PhpAssocMap.to_tuple source

# Outputs
  { :lvl_1_1, [
      {:lvl_2_1, 1},
      {:lvl_2_2, "Single quoted string"},
      {:lvl_2_3, "Double quoted string"}
  {:lvl_1_2, false}


### Serializing

#### From map

If you would like to get a serialized version of a map, the function `from_map/1` will do it.
source = %{
  "lvl_1_1": %{
    "lvl_2_1": 1,
    "lvl_2_2": "Single quoted string",
    "lvl_2_3": "Double quoted string"
  "lvl_1_2": false

PhpAssocMap.from_map source

# Outputs

["lvl_1_1"=>["lvl_2_1"=>1,"lvl_2_2"=>"Single quoted string","lvl_2_3"=>"Double quoted string"],"lvl_1_2"=>false]


#### From tuple

If you would like to retrieve a list o tuple instead of mapof you array, the function `to_tuple/1` will be your friend.
source = [
  { :lvl_1_1, [
      {:lvl_2_1, 1},
      {:lvl_2_2, "Single quoted string"},
      {:lvl_2_3, "Double quoted string"}
  {:lvl_1_2, false}

PhpAssocMap.from_tuple source

# Outputs

["lvl_1_1"=>["lvl_2_1"=>1,"lvl_2_2"=>"Single quoted string","lvl_2_3"=>"Double quoted string"],"lvl_1_2"=>false]


#### Exploding the result

If you would like to print the serialized array to a PHP file, you might want to have indented. For this purpose, you can use the `explode/2` function from the `PhpAssocMap.Utils` module.

source = """
["lvl_1_1"=>["lvl_2_1"=>1,"lvl_2_2"=>"Single quoted string","lvl_2_3"=>"Double quoted string"],"lvl_1_2"=>false]
# You can replace de 2 below for the number of space to use
PhpAssocMap.Utils.explode(source, {:spaces, 2})

\s\s'lvl_1_1' => [
\s\s\s\s'lvl_2_1' => 1,
\s\s\s\s'lvl_2_2' => 'Single quoted string',
\s\s\s\s'lvl_2_3' => "Double quoted string"
\s\s'lvl_1_2' => false

*You can replace de 2 below for the number of space to use*

##### Or with tabs instead

PhpAssocMap.Utils.explode(source, {:tabs})

\t'lvl_1_1' => [
\t\t'lvl_2_1' => 1,
\t\t'lvl_2_2' => 'Single quoted string',
\t\t'lvl_2_3' => "Double quoted string"
\t'lvl_1_2' => false

*The function `explode/1` calls back `explode/2` with `{:spaces, 2}` as second parameter*

### Utilities

#### Clean up

The library includes `PhpAssocMap.Utils.clean_up/1` which cleans up php bloat from the associative array. It remove the


before the array return along with the endig semi-colon

## Limitations

### Keyed array

Currently, the library on supports named keys, which means that straight are not parsed a the moment. This is in the todo list

### To do
- [x] Parse 2+ level deep (*Special thanks to @richthedev*)
- [ ] Parse indexed array also