# PhxComponentHelpers
## Presentation
`PhxComponentHelpers` are helper functions meant to be used within Phoenix LiveView live_components to make your components more configurable and extensible
from your templates.
It provides the following features:
* set HTML attributes from component assigns
* set data attributes from component assigns
* set phx_* attributes from component assigns
* set attributes with any custom prefix such as `@click` or `x-bind:` from [alpinejs](https://github.com/alpinejs/alpine)
* encode attributes as JSON from an Elixir structure assign
* validate mandatory attributes
* set and extend CSS classes from component assigns
## Example
`PhxComponentHelpers` allows you to write components as such:
defmodule Forms.Button do
use Phoenix.LiveComponent
import PhxComponentHelpers
def mount(socket), do: {:ok, socket}
def update(assigns, socket) do
assigns =
|> extend_class("bg-blue-700 hover:bg-blue-900 ...")
|> set_component_attributes([:type, :id, :label], required: [:label])
|> set_phx_attributes()
{:ok, assign(socket, assigns)}
def render(assigns) do
<button <%= @html_id %> <%= @html_type %> <%= @html_phx_click %> <%= @html_class %>>
<%= @label %>
From your templates, it's looking like this:
<%= live_component @socket, Form, id: "form", phx_submit: "form_submit", class: "divide-none" do %>
<%= live_component @socket, InputGroup do %>
<%= live_component @socket, Label, for: "name", label: "Name" %>
<%= live_component @socket, TextInput, name: "name", value: @my.name %>
<% end %>
<%= live_component @socket, ButtonGroup, class: "pt-2" do %>
<%= live_component @socket, Button, type: "submit", phx_click: "btn-click", label: "Save" %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
## Compared to Surface
[Surface](https://github.com/surface-ui/surface) is a library built on the top of Phoenix LiveView and `live_components`. Surface is much more ambitious, heavier, and complex than `PhxComponentHelpers` is (which obviously isn't a framework, just helpers ...).
`Surface` really changes the way you code user interfaces and components (you almost won't be using HTML templates anymore) whereas `PhxComponentHelpers` are just some sugar to help you using raw `phoenix_live_view`.
## Documentation
Available on [https://hexdocs.pm](https://hexdocs.pm/phx_component_helpers)
## Installation
Add the following to your `mix.exs`.
def deps do
{:phx_component_helpers, "~> 0.3.0"},
{:jason, "~> 1.0"} # only required if you want to use json encoding options