# phx_custom

> Opinioned code patcher for projects generated by `mix`.

## Dependencies

- Elixir >= 1.11
- Phoenix >= 1.5.7

## Installation

Install latest version:

mix archive.install github c4710n/phx_custom

Install released version on [](

mix archive.install hex phx_custom

## Available Tasks

- `mix phx.custom.release`
- `mix phx.custom.docker`

## Docs

- `mix help phx.custom.release`
- `mix help phx.custom.docker`

## Usage

Visit [HexDocs]( for more details.

For now, have a look at the following quickstart:

# create an project
$ mix project
$ cd project

# install dependencies
$ mix deps.get

# patch project for using `mix release`
$ mix phx.custom.release .

$ mix ecto.setup
$ mix phx.server

# patch project for using Docker
$ mix phx.custom.docker .

# build an image for production
$ docker build -t project .

## License