# PhxJsonRpc
Simple implementation of JSON-RPC server, written in [elixir](https://elixir-lang.org/) and working with [phoenix](https://www.phoenixframework.org/).
Allows you to define any number of rpc endpoints, which can be accessed via http protocol.
## How it works
The package uses router `macro` for matching RPC calls to your end-user service.
It uses `JSON SCHEMA` as a specification for your services and provides parsing, validation and error handling briefly.
Requests can be served in batches with asyncronous order.
To start handling requests with phoenix:
1. Define rpc router
defmodule MyApp.Rpc.Router do
use PhxJsonRpc.Router,
otp_app: :rpc_router,
schema: "[PATH_TO_YOUR_SCHEMA]",
version: "2.0",
max_batch_size: 20
alias MyApp.Service
## Service routes
rpc("hello", Service, :hello, "#/components/schemas/Greeting")
2. Use handler in any web controller
defmodule MyAppWeb.RpcController do
use MyAppWeb, :controller
alias MyApp.Rpc.Router
def rpc(conn, request) do
response = Router.handle(request)
render(conn, "response.json", response)
3. Import helpers inside your view
defmodule MyAppWeb.RpcView do
use MyAppWeb, :view
import PhxJsonRpc.Views.Helpers
def render("response.json", %{response: response}) do
4. Ensure your service module is defined and it's methods described in json-schema
defmodule MyApp.Service do
@moduledoc "My service"
def hello(%{"name" => name}) do
"Hello, #{name}"
See [quick start](#quick-start) and [documentation](#documentation) section for more detail.
Some screenshots using postman:
![request](assets/images/request.png "request")
![response](assets/images/response.png "response")
## Installation
The package can be installed
by adding `phx_json_rpc` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:phx_json_rpc, "~> 0.3.4"}
This package depends on [ex_json_schema](https://github.com/jonasschmidt/ex_json_schema) for validation purposes.
## Quick start
Please see this [guide](https://hexdocs.pm/phx_json_rpc/PhxJsonRpc.html) for usage with phoenix.
## Documentation
The docs can be found at [https://hexdocs.pm/phx_json_rpc](https://hexdocs.pm/phx_json_rpc).
## Links
The package creation was inspired by some other repos:
- [json-rpc-laravel](https://github.com/avto-dev/json-rpc-laravel)
- [open-rpc](https://github.com/open-rpc/)
- [phoenix1.4-json-rpc](https://github.com/vruizext/phoenix1.4-json-rpc)
## License
MIT. Please see the [license file](LICENSE.md) for more information.