# pid_controller

> A PID (proportional/integral/derivative) controller in Elixir.
> "PID" in this context is not to be confused with process ID.

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    controller = 0.2, ki: 0.1)
      |> PidController.set_setpoint(5.0)

    # in a loop
    {:ok, output, controller} = PidController.output(input, controller)


`PidController` implements a control loop-style feedback controller similar to
what is commonly found in industrial control systems. It takes a measured value
from the system under control (the _process value_ or _process variable_),
compares it to a _setpoint value_ to produce an _error term_, then generates a
_control value_ based on **p**roportional, **i**ntegral, and **d**erivative functions
of the error term. The control value is then fed back into the system under control.

For a full description of PID controllers and how they work, see

While the proportional term is a function of the error value only, the integral
and derivative terms are also functions of time. The first iteration of
`PidController` acts as if the `output/2` function is being called at regular
and consistent intervals, even though in practice this is unlikely. A future version
will take into account the elapsed time between calls to `output/2`.


If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `pid_controller` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:pid_controller, "~> 0.1.0"}

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and published on [HexDocs]( Once published, the docs can
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