# PidFile
Manages a simple OS PID file for this BEAM system.
In other words it just makes a file whose sole contents is the Operating System PID of the running BEAM process.
It should also auto-clean old PID files on load, and clear the PID file on a 'proper' shutdown, but even if not a proper
shutdown then it will still clear it properly next time.
Hex: https://hex.pm/packages/pid_file
## Installation
{:pid_file, "~> 0.1.0"},
## Setup
### Global Config
Add one of these to your config for it to be managed globally, replacing the values as necessary:
config :pid_file, file: "./my_app.pid"
config :pid_file, file: {:SYSTEM, "PIDFILE"}
### Locally Managed
Add the worker to your supervision tree:
worker(PidFile.Worker, [[file: "/run/my_app.pid"]])