# Pigeon
iOS push notifications for Elixir

## Usage
1. Create a notification packet with `n =, device_token)`
2. Send the packet with `Pigeon.push(n, uri, "your_push_cert.pem", "your_push_key.pem")`
  `uri` can be one of the following:
    * Pigeon.apple_development_gateway_uri
    * Pigeon.apple_production_gateway_uri

# Generating Your Certificate and Key .pem
1. In Keychain Access, right-click your push certificate and select "Export..."
2. Export the certificate as `cert.p12`
3. Click the dropdown arrow next to the certificate, right-click the private key and select "Export..."
4. Export the private key as `key.p12`
5. From a shell, convert the cert with `openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -out cert.pem -in cert.p12`
6. Conver the key with `pkcs12 -nocerts -out key.pem -in key.p12`
7. To remove the password from the key, `openssl rsa -in key.pem -out key_unencrypted.pem`
8. `cert.pem` and `key_unencrypted.pem` can be used as the cert and key in `Pigeon.push`, respectively.