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# Pigeon
iOS and Android push notifications for Elixir

## Installation
Add pigeon as a `mix.exs` dependency:
  def deps do
    [{:pigeon, "~> 0.3.0"}]
## GCM (Android)
### Usage
1. Set your environment variables.
  config :pigeon, 
    gcm_key: "your_gcm_key_here"
2. Create a notification packet. 
  data = %{ key1: "value1", key2: "value2" }
  n =, "your device token (registration ID)")
3. Send the packet.

## APNS (Apple iOS)
### Usage
1. Set your environment environment variables. See below for setting up your certificate and key.
  config :pigeon, 
    apns_mode: :dev,
    apns_cert: "cert.pem",
    apns_key: "key_unencrypted.pem"

2. Create a notification packet. **Note: Your push topic is generally the app's bundle identifier.**
  n ="your message", "your device token", "your push topic")
3. Send the packet.
### Generating Your Certificate and Key .pem
1. In Keychain Access, right-click your push certificate and select _"Export..."_
2. Export the certificate as `cert.p12`
3. Click the dropdown arrow next to the certificate, right-click the private key and select _"Export..."_
4. Export the private key as `key.p12`
5. From a shell, convert the certificate.
   openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -out cert.pem -in cert.p12`
6. Convert the key.
   openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -out key.pem -in key.p12

7. Remove the password from the key.
   openssl rsa -in key.pem -out key_unencrypted.pem
8. `cert.pem` and `key_unencrypted.pem` can now be used as the cert and key in `Pigeon.push`, respectively. Set them in your `config.exs`

### Notifications with Custom Data
Notifications can contain additional information for the `aps` key with a map passed as an optional 3rd parameter (e.g. setting badge counters or defining custom sounds)
  n ="your message", "your device token", "your push topic", %{
    badge: 5,
    sound: "default"
Or define custom payload data with an optional 4th parameter:
  n ="your message", "your device token", "your push topic", %{}, %{
    your-custom-key: %{
      custom-value: 500