# Pigpiox
Pigpiox is a wrapper around pigpiod for the Raspberry Pi. For all of pigpio's features, check out its [documentation](http://abyz.co.uk/rpi/pigpio/index.html).
# Requirements
To use Pigpiox, pigpiod must be included in your firmware. Currently, this is included by default on `nerves_system_rpi0`, but not on other Pi systems.
If you'd like to use Pigpiox on one of those systems, customize the nerves system you're interested in, and add `BR2_PACKAGE_PIGPIO=y` to its `nerves_defconfig`.
# Installation
In your firmware's `mix.exs`, add `pigpiox` to your deps for your system target:
def deps(target) do
[ system(target),
{:pigpiox, "~> 0.1"}
# Usage
Usage instructions available on [hexdocs](https://hexdocs.pm/pigpiox/). In particular, look at the `Pigpiox.GPIO` module.