# PipeOperators

This lib adds a "new" pipe operator that is similar to the Maybe type on other functional programming languages.
The ~> operator will pipe values into functions unless a tuple `{:error, _}` would be sent.

# Usage
When values other than an error tuple is being piped, it acts like a normal pipe (`|>`)
import PipeOperators.SkipOnErrorPipe

[1, 2, 3]
~> number -> number + 1 end)

#> [2, 3, 4]

However, if `{:error, _}` is piped, the function is not called and error is returned.
import PipeOperators.SkipOnErrorPipe

{:error, "something went wrong"}
~> next_step()
~> send_message()

#> {:error, "something went wrong"}

## Installation

The package can be installed 
by adding `pipe_operators` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:pipe_operators, git: "", branch: "main"},

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