# Pipette

Pipette is flow-based programming (FBP) framework for Elixir.

It utilizes `GenStage` to chain asynchronous processing stages, supporting loose connections and

One benefit of flow-based programming is to narrow the gap between prototype and production of
data processing systems.

## Flow-based programming

> In computer programming, flow-based programming (FBP) is a programming paradigm that
> defines applications as networks of "black box" processes, which exchange data
> across predefined connections by message passing,
> where the connections are specified externally to the processes.
> These black box processes can be reconnected endlessly
> to form different applications without having to be changed internally.
> [_Wikipedia_](

## Documentation

* [Documentation](
* [API Reference](
* [Example: Google Bot Verification](

## Installation

{:pipette, "~> 0.1.0"},

## Development

$ mix deps.get
% mix test

## Special thanks

* [Suitepad GmbH](

  Suitepad was sponsoring the development and release of this project.
  Their development team ([@spieker](, [@theharq]( and [@Rio517](
  was heavily involved with the development of this library.

* [Masashi Iizuka](

  Masashi was so nice to let us use `Pipette` as a project / library name.
  Pipette was formerly a EEx templating wrapper. [See this repository](