# Plaid

An Elixir library for working with Plaid.

Plaid products supported by this library:

* [Exchange Token](
* [Connect](
* ~~Auth~~
* ~~Info~~
* ~~Balance~~
* ~~Risk~~
* ~~Income~~
* [Institutions](
* [Long Tail Institutions](
* [Categories](

Documentation is available on [Hex](

The architecture of this product is largely inspired (if not copied :flushed:) by Rob Conery's [stripity-stripe]( - it's an awesome project.

## Installation

Add to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:plaid, "~> 0.1.0"}]

Add to your application:

def application do
  [applications: [:plaid]]

## Configuration

This library requires the following configurations to be added to `config.exs`.
These values are obtained by registering with [Plaid]( for developer keys
or using the publicly available ones: `CLIENT_ID: "test_id"` and `SECRET: "test_secret"`.
use Mix.Config

config :plaid, client_id: "YOUR_CLIENT_ID"
config :plaid, client_id: "YOUR_SECRET"
config :plaid, root_uri: ""
Developer keys can also be set in the System environment, although the application will
look first to `config.exs`.
$iex -S mix

Default HTTPoison options can be configured here as well. See [HTTPoison docs]( for more detail.
config :plaid, httpoison_options: [timeout: 10000, recv_timeout: 10000]

## Testing

In progress; testing is being added.

## The API Library

The library is structured by Plaid product. Each product corresponds to a module.
Each function in the module performs a specific action available in the product.

For example:

* Token
 * [Exchange Token]( ``

* Connect
 * [Add Connect User]( `Plaid.Connect.add/1`
 * [Connect MFA]( `Plaid.Connect.mfa/1`
 * [Get Transactions]( `Plaid.Connect.get/1`
 * [Update Connect User]( `Plaid.Connect.update/1`
 * [Delete Connect User]( `Plaid.Connect.delete/1`

The response from Plaid is highly determined by the parameters submitted. Please read
the [Plaid API documentation]( and Hex docs closely.
All parameters are submitted as maps in this library.

Plaid requires credentials to be submitted with each call to their API.
For the endpoints requiring authentication, functions can be called using the
default credentials provided in `config.exs` or exported to `System.env`,
or supplied to the function directly. Each function in the API modules has an
arity of 1 and 2 to accommodate this.

For example, to add a new Plaid Connect user using default credentials:
iex> params = %{username: "plaid_test", password: "plaid_good", type: "wells",
iex>            options: %{login_only: true}}
iex> {:ok, _struct} = Plaid.Connect.add(params)
...and to add using supplied credentials:
iex> params = %{username: "plaid_test", password: "plaid_good", type: "wells",
iex>            options: %{login_only: true}}
iex> cred = %{client_id: "test_id", secret: "test_secret"}
iex> {:ok, _struct} = Plaid.Connect.add(params, cred)

All API functions return in the format of `{:ok, _}` or `{:error, _}`.

### Plaid Data Structures

Plaid responses are in JSON format. Responses are explicitly defined as structs
in this library for consistency and to avoid issues with dynamically converting
keys to atoms.

This library uses [Ecto.Schema]( to model
the nested data structures in the JSON responses. Modules related to modeling the
JSON data structures are in the `/schemas` folder in the application with the
exception of the Categories and Institutions products.

## Contributions

I focused on the Plaid products I need, so several are undeveloped and I don't plan
on getting to them anytime soon, Therefore, contributions are welcome! I'm new to
Elixir and GitHub overall so helpful suggestions are always appreciated.