# Plaid

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Elixir library for Plaid's V2 API.

Supported Plaid products:
- [x] Transactions
- [x] Auth
- [ ] Identity
- [x] Balance
- [x] Income
- [ ] Assets

[Plaid Documentation](

## Usage

Add to your dependencies in `mix.exs`. The hex specification is required.

def deps do
  [{:plaid, "~> 1.6", hex: :plaid_elixir}]

## Configuration

All calls to Plaid require either your client id and secret, or public key. Add the
following configuration to your project to set the values. This configuration is optional
as of version `1.6`, see below for a runtime configuration. The library will raise an
error if the relevant credentials are not provided either via `config.exs` or at runtime.

config :plaid,
  root_uri: "",
  client_id: "your_client_id",
  secret: "your_secret",
  public_key: "your_public_key",
  httpoison_options: [timeout: 10_000, recv_timeout: 30_000]

By default, `root_uri` is set by `mix` environment. You can override it in your config.
- `dev` -
- `prod`-

Finally, you can pass in custom configuration for [HTTPoison]( It's recommended you
extend the receive timeout for Plaid, especially for retrieving historical transactions.

## Runtime configuration

Alternatively, you can provide the configuration at runtime. The configuration passed
as a function argument will overwrite the configuration in `config.exs`, if one exists.

For example, if you want to hit a different URL when calling the `/accounts` endpoint, you could
pass in a configuration argument to `Plaid.Accounts.get/2`.

Plaid.Accounts.get(%{access_token: "my-token"}, %{root_uri: "", secret: "no-secrets"})

## Obtaining Access Tokens

Access tokens are required for almost all calls to Plaid. However, they can only be obtained
using [Plaid Link](

Once a user successfully connects to his institution using Plaid Link, a
public token is returned to the client. This single-use public token can be exchanged
for an access token and item id (both of which should be stored) using

Consult Plaid's documentation for additional detail on this process.

## Compatibility

As of version `1.2`, this library natively supports serialization of its structs using `Jason` for compatibility with Phoenix.

## Tests and Style

This library uses [bypass]( to simulate HTTP responses from Plaid.

It uses Elixir's native formatter as of `1.3.2`