# plantuml mix task 

## Installation

Add elixirci to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs` :

        def deps do
            {:plantuml_mix, "~> 0.0.1"}

Requires that the environment variable `PLANTUML_JAR` exists and is set to the path for 'plantuml.jar'.
I have not verified that paths containing spaces work correctly. 

## Usage Examples:

mix plantuml
Generating images from diagrams/*.puml to diagrams

## `mix help plantuml`

Run plantuml, specifying source glob and destination directory.

mix plantuml --source "diagrams/*.puml" --dest "diagrams"
* `--help`  :  display this help
* `--source`: <source glob>
* `--dest`  : <destination directory>

Location: _build/dev/lib/plantuml_mix/ebin