# Plasm

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A generic [composable query]( library for [Ecto](

:heart::heart::heart: Ecto, :cry::cry::cry: because I have to implement my own composable query functions for things like counting records, getting a random record and whatnot in all my models/projects.


Plasm provides a set of generic, composable, higher-level functions that make working with Ecto more joyful and productive.

## Design Objectives

- [X] Work alongside `Ecto.Query` so both can be `import`ed without conflict
- [X] Avoid reimplementing basic `Ecto.Query` functionality where possible
- [X] Provide syntactic sugar for common queries (e.g., see `count` and `distinct_by`)
- [X] Easy integration with Phoenix
- [X] Permissive API (e.g., most functions that accept an atom will alternatively accept a string)
- [ ] Support all databases supported by Ecto (right now, use PostgreSQL for all functionality)

## Examples

Instead of writing this in your model:

``` elixir
def count(query) do
  for q in query,
  select: count(

And using it this way:
``` elixir
Quaffle |> Quaffle.count |>

Just use Plasm:

``` elixir
Quaffle |> Plasm.count |>

More examples:

``` elixir
Boggart |> Plasm.updated_after("2016-01-04T14:00:00Z") |> Repo.all

``` elixir
Truffle |> Plasm.find([3,6,9]) |> Repo.all

``` elixir
MagicalElixir |> Plasm.random |>

## Using in Models

You can import Plasm and use it directly in your models:

``` elixir
defmodule MyApp.SomeModel do
  import Ecto.Query
  import Plasm


  def random_distinct_names_by_order_of_insertion(query, n) do
    |> order_by(asc: :name)
    |> distinct_by(:name)
    |> random(n)

## Using with Phoenix

If you want Plasm to be universally accessible in all your Phoenix models, you can add it to `web.ex`:

``` elixir
defmodule MyApp.Web do

  def model do
    quote do

      import Plasm

## API

``` elixir
Plasm.avg(query, field_name)
Plasm.count_distinct(query, field_name)
Plasm.distinct_by(query, field_name)
Plasm.find(query, id)
Plasm.find(query, ids)
Plasm.first(query, n)
Plasm.inserted_after(query, ecto_datetime)
Plasm.inserted_after(query, string_castable_to_ecto_datetime)
Plasm.inserted_after_incl(query, ecto_datetime)
Plasm.inserted_after_incl(query, string_castable_to_ecto_datetime)
Plasm.inserted_before(query, ecto_datetime)
Plasm.inserted_before(query, string_castable_to_ecto_datetime)
Plasm.inserted_before_incl(query, ecto_datetime)
Plasm.inserted_before_incl(query, string_castable_to_ecto_datetime)
Plasm.max(query, field_name)
Plasm.min(query, field_name)
Plasm.last(query, n)
Plasm.random(query, n)
Plasm.sum(query, field_name)
Plasm.updated_after(query, ecto_datetime)
Plasm.updated_after(query, string_castable_to_ecto_datetime)
Plasm.updated_after_incl(query, ecto_datetime)
Plasm.updated_after_incl(query, string_castable_to_ecto_datetime)
Plasm.updated_before(query, ecto_datetime)
Plasm.updated_before(query, string_castable_to_ecto_datetime)
Plasm.updated_before_incl(query, ecto_datetime)
Plasm.updated_before_incl(query, string_castable_to_ecto_datetime)
Plasm.where_all(query, field_names_and_values)
Plasm.where_none(query, field_names_and_values)

## Note About DB Support

Plasm aims to support all DBs supported by Ecto, but we're not quite there yet. Right now, the only functions that don't work cross-DB are `random\1` and `random\2`, which are supported only on PostgreSQL for now.

## Inspiration

Many thanks to Drew Olson (@drewolson) for his [talk at ElixirConf 2015]( and [insightful blog post]( on the subject of composable Ecto queries.

Also thanks to Henrik Nyh for his [Ectoo]( project, which has similar aims.

## TODO:

- [x] Tests
- [x] Hex docs

## Installation

Add Plasm to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

``` elixir
def deps do
  [{:plasm, "~> 0.1.0"}]

Ensure Plasm is started before your application:

``` elixir
def application do
    applications: [

If you want to be on the bleeding edge, track the `master` branch of this repo:

``` elixir
{:plasm, git: "", branch: "master"}

## Copyright and License

Copyright (c) 2016, Atomic Fads LLC.

Plasm source code is licensed under the Apache 2 License (see