# Config Reader (Elixir)

This library provides a streamlined and easy to use way to interact with a environment. It offers utility methods to access routes and relationships more cleanly than reading the raw environment variables yourself.

## Usage
alias Platformsh.Config, as: Config

if Config.is_valid_platform?() do
    IO.inspect Config.credentials("mysql")

Will give out:
  "cluster" => "ehsumw32qasrm-master-7rqtwti",
  "host" => "mysql.internal",
  "hostname" => "",
  "ip" => "",
  "password" => "",
  "path" => "main",
  "port" => 3306,
  "query" => %{"is_master" => true},
  "rel" => "mysql",
  "scheme" => "mysql",
  "service" => "mysql",
  "username" => "user"

> Take note that the library should be used in `config/releases.exs` rather that in `config/prod.exs` as yo want it to evaluate during runtime rather than during build time.

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `platformshconfig` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:platformshconfig, "~> 0.1.0"}

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