# A Server for Playwright Test Assets
## Usage
Unless you're doing development on this project (in which case, see "Contributing" below), you probably want to run the container along the lines of what is found in `${REPO}/bin/dev.d/docker.sh`. And, assuming the project has been bootstrapped (see below), a Docker container for the server may be build and run as follows:
dev docker build
dev docker run
If you are developing on [playwright-elixir](https://github.com:geometerio/playwright-elixir), this package is pulled in as a dependency there. Nothing to do unless you are updating this package itself (see "Contributing" below).
## Licenses
This project carries the ISC License. The assets are acquired from [microsoft/playwright](https://github.com/microsoft/playwright), which uses the Apache License (copied here, per the license terms).
## Bootstrapping
brew bundle # and ensure packages are set up (e.g., `asdf` needs shell integration)
direnv allow # add `${REPO}/bin` to $PATH, etc.
dev setup # see `${REPO}/bin/dev.d/setup.sh` for details
## Contributing
To make updates to the assets pulled from Playwright and embedded here, and assuming the project has been bootstrapped, try `dev fetch <branch>` (e.g., `dev fetch release-1.44`). See `${REPO}/bin/dev.d/fetch.sh` for details.