<img width="400" src="images/logo-plot@2x.png#gh-light-mode-only" alt="Plox">
<img width="400" src="images/logo-plot-dark@2x.png#gh-dark-mode-only" alt="Plox">


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Server-side rendered SVG graphing components for Phoenix and LiveView.

## Installation

Plox is [available in Hex](, the package can be
installed by adding `plox` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:plox, "~> 0.1.0"}

Documentation is published on [HexDocs]( and can be found at

## Example

<img width="740" src="images/readme-example-plot@2x.png" alt="Example screenshot">

Start by setting up your data, scales, and dataset:

data = [
  %{date: ~D[2023-08-01], value: 35.0},
  %{date: ~D[2023-08-02], value: 60.0},
  %{date: ~D[2023-08-03], value: 65.0},
  %{date: ~D[2023-08-04], value: 10.0},
  %{date: ~D[2023-08-05], value: 50.0}

date_scale = date_scale(Date.range(~D[2023-08-01], ~D[2023-08-05]))
number_scale = number_scale(0.0, 80.0)

dataset =
    x: {date_scale, & &},
    y: {number_scale, & &1.value}

Once you have those, you can build a `Plox.Graph` struct:

example_graph =
    scales: [date_scale: date_scale, number_scale: number_scale],
    datasets: [dataset: dataset]

Finally, render the `Plox.Graph` directly within your HEEx template:

<.graph :let={graph} id="example_graph" for={@example_graph} width="800" height="250">
    <.legend_item color="#EC7E16" label="Data" />

  <.x_axis :let={date} scale={graph[:date_scale]}>
    <%= Calendar.strftime(date, "%-m/%-d") %>

  <.y_axis :let={value} scale={graph[:number_scale]} ticks={5}>
    <%= value %>

  <.line_plot dataset={graph[:dataset]} color="#EC7E16" />

  <.points_plot dataset={graph[:dataset]} color="#EC7E16" />