
# This file defines the Plug.Exception protocol and
# the exceptions that implement such protocol.

defprotocol Plug.Exception do
  @moduledoc """
  A protocol that extends exceptions to be status-code aware.

  By default, it looks for an implementation of the protocol,
  otherwise checks if the exception has the `:plug_status` field
  or simply returns 500.

  @fallback_to_any true

  @type action :: %{label: String.t(), handler: {module(), atom(), list()}}

  @doc """
  Receives an exception and returns its HTTP status code.
  @spec status(t) :: Plug.Conn.status()
  def status(exception)

  @doc """
  Receives an exception and returns the possible actions that could be triggered for that error.
  Should return a list of actions in the following structure:

        label: "Text that will be displayed in the button",
        handler: {Module, :function, [args]}


    * `label` a string/binary that names this action
    * `handler` a MFArgs that will be executed when this action is triggered

  It will be rendered in the `Plug.Debugger` generated error page as buttons showing the `label`
  that upon pressing executes the MFArgs defined in the `handler`.

  ## Examples

      defimpl Plug.Exception, for: ActionableExample do
        def actions(_), do: [%{label: "Print HI", handler: {IO, :puts, ["Hi!"]}}]
  @spec actions(t) :: [action()]
  def actions(exception)

defimpl Plug.Exception, for: Any do
  def status(%{plug_status: status}), do: Plug.Conn.Status.code(status)
  def status(_), do: 500
  def actions(_exception), do: []

defmodule Plug.BadRequestError do
  @moduledoc """
  The request will not be processed due to a client error.

  defexception message: "could not process the request due to client error", plug_status: 400

defmodule Plug.TimeoutError do
  @moduledoc """
  Timeout while waiting for the request.

  defexception message: "timeout while waiting for request data", plug_status: 408