# Plug

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Plug is:

  1. A specification for composing web applications with functions
  2. Connection adapters for different web servers in the Erlang VM

[Documentation for Plug is available online](

## Installation

In order to use Plug, you need a webserver and its bindings for Plug. The Cowboy webserver is the most common one, which can be installed by adding `plug_cowboy` as a dependency to your `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:plug_cowboy, "~> 2.0"}

## Hello world

Mix.install([:plug, :plug_cowboy])

defmodule MyPlug do
  import Plug.Conn

  def init(options) do
    # initialize options

  def call(conn, _opts) do
    |> put_resp_content_type("text/plain")
    |> send_resp(200, "Hello world")

require Logger
{:ok, _} = Plug.Cowboy.http(MyPlug, [])"Plug now running on localhost:4000")

The snippet above shows a very simple example on how to use Plug. Save that snippet to a file and execute it as `elixir --no-halt hello_world.exs`. Access <http://localhost:4000/> and you should be greeted!

For now, we have directly started the server in a single file but, for production deployments, you likely want to start it in your supervision tree. See the [Supervised handlers](#supervised-handlers) section next.

## Supervised handlers

On a production system, you likely want to start your Plug pipeline under your application's supervision tree. Start a new Elixir project with the `--sup` flag:

$ mix new my_app --sup

Add both `:plug` and `:plug_cowboy` as dependencies in your `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:plug, "~> 1.13"},
    {:plug_cowboy, "~> 2.0"}

Now update `lib/my_app/application.ex` as follows:

defmodule MyApp.Application do
  # See
  # for more information on OTP Applications
  @moduledoc false

  use Application

  def start(_type, _args) do
    # List all child processes to be supervised
    children = [
      {Plug.Cowboy, scheme: :http, plug: MyPlug, options: [port: 4001]}

    # See
    # for other strategies and supported options
    opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyApp.Supervisor]
    Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)

Finally create `lib/my_app/my_plug.ex` with the `MyPlug` module.

Now run `mix run --no-halt` and it will start your application with a web server running at <http://localhost:4001>.

## Supported Versions

| Branch | Support                  |
| v1.13  | Bug fixes                |
| v1.12  | Security patches only    |
| v1.11  | Security patches only    |
| v1.10  | Security patches only    |
| v1.9   | Security patches only    |
| v1.8   | Security patches only    |
| v1.7   | Unsupported from 01/2022 |
| v1.6   | Unsupported from 01/2022 |
| v1.5   | Unsupported from 03/2021 |
| v1.4   | Unsupported from 12/2018 |
| v1.3   | Unsupported from 12/2018 |
| v1.2   | Unsupported from 06/2018 |
| v1.1   | Unsupported from 01/2018 |
| v1.0   | Unsupported from 05/2017 |

## The `Plug.Conn` struct

In the hello world example, we defined our first plug. What is a plug after all?

A plug takes two shapes. A function plug receives a connection and a set of options as arguments and returns the connection:

def hello_world_plug(conn, _opts) do
  |> put_resp_content_type("text/plain")
  |> send_resp(200, "Hello world")

A module plug implements an `init/1` function to initialize the options and a `call/2` function which receives the connection and initialized options and returns the connection:

defmodule MyPlug do
  def init([]), do: false
  def call(conn, _opts), do: conn

As per the specification above, a connection is represented by the `Plug.Conn` struct:

  host: "",
  path_info: ["bar", "baz"],

Data can be read directly from the connection and also pattern matched on. Manipulating the connection often happens with the use of the functions defined in the `Plug.Conn` module. In our example, both `put_resp_content_type/2` and `send_resp/3` are defined in `Plug.Conn`.

Remember that, as everything else in Elixir, **a connection is immutable**, so every manipulation returns a new copy of the connection:

conn = put_resp_content_type(conn, "text/plain")
conn = send_resp(conn, 200, "ok")

Finally, keep in mind that a connection is a **direct interface to the underlying web server**. When you call `send_resp/3` above, it will immediately send the given status and body back to the client. This makes features like streaming a breeze to work with.

## `Plug.Router`

To write a "router" plug that dispatches based on the path and method of incoming requests, Plug provides `Plug.Router`:

defmodule MyRouter do
  use Plug.Router

  plug :match
  plug :dispatch

  get "/hello" do
    send_resp(conn, 200, "world")

  forward "/users", to: UsersRouter

  match _ do
    send_resp(conn, 404, "oops")

The router is a plug. Not only that: it contains its own plug pipeline too. The example above says that when the router is invoked, it will invoke the `:match` plug, represented by a local (imported) `match/2` function, and then call the `:dispatch` plug which will execute the matched code.

Plug ships with many plugs that you can add to the router plug pipeline, allowing you to plug something before a route matches or before a route is dispatched to. For example, if you want to add logging to the router, just do:

plug Plug.Logger
plug :match
plug :dispatch

Note `Plug.Router` compiles all of your routes into a single function and relies on the Erlang VM to optimize the underlying routes into a tree lookup, instead of a linear lookup that would instead match route-per-route. This means route lookups are extremely fast in Plug!

This also means that a catch all `match` block is recommended to be defined as in the example above, otherwise routing fails with a function clause error (as it would in any regular Elixir function).

Each route needs to return the connection as per the Plug specification. See the `Plug.Router` docs for more information.

## Testing plugs

Plug ships with a `Plug.Test` module that makes testing your plugs easy. Here is how we can test the router from above (or any other plug):

defmodule MyPlugTest do
  use ExUnit.Case, async: true
  use Plug.Test

  @opts MyRouter.init([])

  test "returns hello world" do
    # Create a test connection
    conn = conn(:get, "/hello")

    # Invoke the plug
    conn =, @opts)

    # Assert the response and status
    assert conn.state == :sent
    assert conn.status == 200
    assert conn.resp_body == "world"

## Available plugs

This project aims to ship with different plugs that can be re-used across applications:

  * `Plug.BasicAuth` - provides Basic HTTP authentication;
  * `Plug.CSRFProtection` - adds Cross-Site Request Forgery protection to your application. Typically required if you are using `Plug.Session`;
  * `Plug.Head` - converts HEAD requests to GET requests;
  * `Plug.Logger` - logs requests;
  * `Plug.MethodOverride` - overrides a request method with one specified in the request parameters;
  * `Plug.Parsers` - responsible for parsing the request body given its content-type;
  * `Plug.RequestId` - sets up a request ID to be used in logs;
  * `Plug.RewriteOn` - rewrite the request's host/port/protocol from `x-forwarded-*` headers;
  * `Plug.Session` - handles session management and storage;
  * `Plug.SSL` - enforces requests through SSL;
  * `Plug.Static` - serves static files;
  * `Plug.Telemetry` - instruments the plug pipeline with `:telemetry` events;

You can go into more details about each of them [in our docs](

## Helper modules

Modules that can be used after you use `Plug.Router` or `Plug.Builder` to help development:

  * `Plug.Debugger` - shows a helpful debugging page every time there is a failure in a request;
  * `Plug.ErrorHandler` - allows developers to customize error pages in case of crashes instead of sending a blank one;

## Contributing

We welcome everyone to contribute to Plug and help us tackle existing issues!

Use the [issue tracker][issues] for bug reports or feature requests. Open a [pull request][pulls] when you are ready to contribute. When submitting a pull request you should not update the ``.

If you are planning to contribute documentation, [please check our best practices for writing documentation][writing-docs].

Finally, remember all interactions in our official spaces follow our [Code of Conduct][code-of-conduct].

## License

Plug source code is released under Apache License 2.0.
Check LICENSE file for more information.
