# PlugCanonicalHost

`PlugCanonicalHost` ensures that all your Elixir application requests are
coming through a single canonical host.

It will redirect all requests from non-canonical hosts to the canonical one.

## Installation

Add `plug_canonical_host` to the `deps` function in your project's `mix.exs`

defp deps do
    {:plug_canonical_host, "~> 0.1"}

Then run `mix do deps.get, deps.compile` inside your project's directory.

## Usage

`PlugCanonicalHost` can be used just as any other plugs. Add `PlugCanonicalHost`
before all of the other plugs you want to happen after successful redirection
to your canonical host.

defmodule Endpoint do
  plug PlugCanonicalHost, canonical_host: ""

## License

`PlugCanonicalHost` is © 2016 [Rémi Prévost]( and may be
freely distributed under the [MIT license]( See the
`` file for more information.