# Plug GPG Verify

A plug that can be used to verify the ownership of public gpg keys.

## TLDR;

It simply generates a random phrase and sends that to the user.
The user then is required to sign the phrase and send it back which can then be verified.

## Installation

Add `plug_gpg_verify` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:plug_gpg_verify, "~> 0.1.0"}

This plug makes use of a gpg library that requires:
* the `rust` toolchain to be installed
* gpg to be installed and configured properly

## Usage
* Implement the `PlugGpgVerify` behaviour
* Choose a route that you want to use for verification
* add `forward "/", PlugGPGVerify, adapter: MyProject.GPGVerificationPlug` to your router

See [hexdocs]() for complete documentation

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