# GraphQL Plug

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`graphql_plug` is a Plug integration for the [GraphQL Elixir]( implementation of Facebook's GraphQL.

Allows you to easily mount a GraphQL endpoint in Phoenix.

## Installation

  1. Make a new Phoenix app

    mix hello_graphql --no-ecto
    cd hello_graphql

  2. Add `plug_graphql` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs` and install the package with `mix deps.get`.

    def deps do
      [{:plug_graphql, "~> 0.0.2"}]

## Usage

  1. Define a Schema. Here's a simple one to try out:

    # The GraphQL schema we're going to use
    defmodule TestSchema do
      def schema do
          query: %GraphQL.ObjectType{
            name: "RootQueryType",
            fields: [
                name: "greeting",
                type: "String",
                resolve: &TestSchema.greeting/1,

      def greeting(name: name), do: "Hello, #{name}!"
      def greeting(_), do: greeting(name: "world")

  2. Add the plug to your `api` pipeline:

    pipeline :api do
      plug :accepts, ["json"]

      plug GraphQL.Plug.GraphQLEndpoint, TestSchema.schema

  3. Add an endpoint so this route fires

    scope "/api", HelloGraphql do
      pipe_through :api
      get "/", PageController, :index

  4. Start Phoenix

    mix phoenix.server

  5. Open your browser to `http://localhost:4000/api?query={greeting}` and you should see something like this:

      "data": {
        "greeting": "Hello, world!"

## Contributions

This is pretty early days, the graphql execution engine needs a lot more work to be useful.

However we can't get there without your help, so any questions, bug reports, feedback,
feature requests and/or PRs are most welcome!