# PlugHmac
**Auth Plug**
## Installation
The package can be installed by adding `plug_hmac` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:plug_hmac, "~> 0.5.0"}
## Usage
### Configuration
Add `body_reader` to your Phoenix's `Endpoint`
plug Plug.Parsers,
parsers: [:urlencoded, :multipart, :json],
pass: ["*/*"],
body_reader: {PlugHmac.CacheBodyReader, :read_body, []},
json_decoder: Phoenix.json_library()
### For Backend
* error_handler: setting error handler module
* secret_handler: setting secret handler module
* hmac_algo: hmac support algorithem **[:md5, :md4, :sha, :sha224, :sha256, :sha384, :sha512, :sha3_224, :sha3_256, :sha3_384, :sha3_512]**
* client_signature_name: the http header name which use for get authorization data
plug PlugHmac,
error_handler: __MODULE__,
secret_handler: __MODULE__,
hmac_algo: :sha256,
client_signature_name: "authorization"
@behaviour PlugHmac.ErrorHandler
@behaviour PlugHmac.SecretHandler
## callback for error_handler
def handle(conn, _error) do
# you can case error here
# or update conn here
# must return conn
## callback for secret_handler
def get_secret(client_id) do
# get your secret key
{:ok, your_secret_key}
### For Client
# make_header(
# hmac_algo,
# secret_handler,
# client_id,
# method,
# path,
# query_string,
# body,
# nonce \\ nil
# )
PlugHmac.make_header(:sha256, __MODULE__, "test_id", "GET", "/api/test_auth", "a1=123&a2=456", "body string")
## Principle
Authorization: hmac id=test_id,signature=xpSI4lZe5c%2BxlNe%2BUK6MQU8RHZNTjL1CTgQLbFamoYU%3D,nonce=vrlaY%2BzdC2S7cdWEXLiN
`PlugHmac` `plug` 会校验 `Authorization` 值的有效性
### 参数说明
| 参数名 | 参数值 | 说明 |
| ----------- | -------------------- | ---------------------------- |
| Method | GET | 请求方法(全大写) |
| Path | /api/test_auth | 请求路径 |
| QueryString | "a1=123&a2=456" | 将请求参数用`&`和`=`拼接起来 |
| Body | "body string" | 请求的body字符串 |
| ClientID | test_id | 由接口提供方提供 |
| SecretKey | qhN8mkCzaxjC1jWD4fDW | 由接口提供方提供 |
| Nonce | asd123 | 随机值字符串 |
### 1. Authorization值
在拼接之前先使用 `URI-encode`,分别对各个参数值进行`encode`,然后再将其拼接起来,如下:
"hmac " + "id=" + ClientID + ",signature=" + Signature + ",nonce=" + Nonce
### 2. Signature值
ConcatString = Method+Path+QueryString+Body+Nonce
GET/api/test_autha1=123&a2=456body stringasd123
采用`HMAC_SHA256`算法使用`SecretKey`加密`ConcatString`的值,然后在进行`Base64-encode`,得到`Signature` 值,求值公式如下:
hmac.new(SecretKey, ConcatString, hashlib.sha256).digest().encode('base64')