# PlugInstrumenter
A simple plug that can be used to wrap plugs with an instrumentation callback.
`PipelineInstrumenter` can be used in a similar fashion to `Plug.Builder` to
instrument a plug pipeline.
- Simple
- Flexible
**NOTE**: `PipelineInstrumenter` does not work with function plugs.
## Installation
The package can be installed by adding `plug_instrumenter` to your list of
dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:plug_instrumenter, "~> 0.1.0"}
## Usage
### PlugInstrumenter
plug PlugInstrumenter, plug: MyPlug, opts: [my_opt: :somevalue]
### PipelineInstrumenter
defmodule MyApp.Pipeline do
use PipelineInstrumenter, exclude: [MyApp.Router]
plug MyPlug, my_opt: :somevalue
plug MyApp.Router
### With Phoenix
defmodule MyApp.Endpoint.Plugs do
use PipelineInstrumenter, exclude: [MyApp.Router]
plug MyPlug, my_opt: :somevalue
plug MyApp.Router
defmodule MyApp.Endpoint do
use Phoenix.Endpoint, otp_app: :my_app
# unless you really want to instrument the code reloader :)
if code_reloading? do
plug Phoenix.CodeReloader
plug MyApp.Endpoint.Plugs
## Default Configuration
The default configuration is as follows:
config :plug_instrumenter,
callback: {PlugInstrumenter, :default_callback},
now: {:erlang, :monotonic_time, [:microsecond]},
name: MyPlug
More information is available in the