# PlugLoggerJson
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A comprehensive JSON logger Plug.

## Dependencies

* Plug
* Poison

## Elixir & Erlang Support

The support policy is to support the last 2 major versions of Erlang and the three last minor versions of Elixir.

## Installation

1. add plug_logger_json to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

   def deps do
     [{:plug_logger_json, "~> 0.7.0"}]

2. ensure plug_logger_json is started before your application (Skip if using Elixir 1.4 or greater):

   def application do
     [applications: [:plug_logger_json]]

3. Replace `Plug.Logger` with either:

   * `Plug.LoggerJSON, log: Logger.level`,
   * `Plug.LoggerJSON, log: Logger.level, extra_attributes_fn: &MyPlug.extra_attributes/1` in your plug pipeline (in `endpoint.ex` for Phoenix apps),

## Recommended Setup

### Configure `plug_logger_json`

Add to your `config/config.exs` or `config/env_name.exs` if you want to filter params or headers or suppress any logged keys:

config :plug_logger_json,
  filtered_keys: ["password", "authorization"],
  suppressed_keys: ["api_version", "log_type"]

### Configure the logger (console)

In your `config/config.exs` or `config/env_name.exs`:

config :logger, :console,
  format: "$message\n",
  level: :info, # You may want to make this an env variable to change verbosity of the logs
  metadata: [:request_id]

### Configure the logger (file)

Do the following:

* update deps in `mix.exs` with the following:

    def deps do
     [{:logger_file_backend, "~> 0.0.10"}]

* add to your `config/config.exs` or `config/env_name.exs`:

    config :logger,
      format: "$message\n",
      backends: [{LoggerFileBackend, :log_file}, :console]

    config :logger, :log_file,
      format: "$message\n",
      level: :info,
      metadata: [:request_id],
      path: "log/my_pipeline.log"

* ensure you are using `Plug.Parsers` (Phoenix adds this to `endpoint.ex` by default) to parse params as well as request body:

    plug Plug.Parsers,
      parsers: [:urlencoded, :multipart, :json],
      pass: ["*/*"],
      json_decoder: Poison

## Error Logging

In `router.ex` of your Phoenix project or in your plug pipeline:

* add `require Logger`,
* add `use Plug.ErrorHandler`,
* add the following two private functions:

    defp handle_errors(%Plug.Conn{status: 500} = conn, %{kind: kind, reason: reason, stack: stacktrace}) do
      Plug.LoggerJSON.log_error(kind, reason, stacktrace)
      send_resp(conn, 500, Poison.encode!(%{errors: %{detail: "Internal server error"}}))

    defp handle_errors(_, _), do: nil

## Extra Attributes

Additional data can be logged alongside the request by specifying a function to call which returns a map:

def extra_attributes(conn) do
  map = %{
    "user_id" => get_in(conn.assigns, [:user, :user_id]),
    "other_id" => get_in(conn.private, [:private_resource, :id]),
    "should_not_appear" => conn.private[:does_not_exist]

  |> Enum.filter(&(&1 !== nil))
  |> Enum.into(%{})

plug Plug.LoggerJSON,
  log: Logger.level(),
  extra_attributes_fn: &MyPlug.extra_attributes/1

In this example, the `:user_id` is retrieved from `conn.assigns.user.user_id` and added to the log if it exists. In the example, any values that are `nil` are filtered from the map. It is a requirement that the value is serialiazable as JSON by the Poison library, otherwise an error will be raised when attempting to encode the value.

## Log Verbosity

`LoggerJSON` plug supports two levels of logging:

  * `info` / `error` will log:

    * api_version,
    * date_time,
    * duration,
    * log_type,
    * method,
    * path,
    * request_id,
    * status

  * `warn` / `debug` will log everything from info and:

    * client_ip,
    * client_version,
    * params / request_body.

The above are default. It is possible to override them by setting a `include_debug_logging` option to:

  * `false` – means the extra debug fields (client_ip, client_version, and params) WILL NOT get logged.
  * `true` – means the extra fields WILL get logged.
  * Not setting this option will keep the defaults above.


plug Plug.LoggerJSON,
  log: Logger.level,
  include_debug_logging: true

## Contributing

Before submitting your pull request, please run:

  * `mix credo --strict`,
  * `mix coveralls`,
  * `mix dialyzer`,
  *  update changelog.

Please squash your pull request's commits into a single commit with a message and detailed description explaining the commit.