Plug New Relic

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Enable reporting to Newrelic through statman for Plug based web servers

##Setting Up 

1. Add amix to your `mix.exs` dependencies:

    def application do
        applications: [ ... , :plug_newrelic, ...]

    def deps do
      {:plug_newrelic, "~> 0.0.5"}

3. Add Amix.Wrapper before the :match Plug

    defmodule MyApp do
      import Plug.Conn
      use Application
      use Plug.Router

      plug PlugNewRelic.Wrapper, [] 
      plug :match
      plug :dispatch


1. Add Newrelic application to your config.exs file

   newrelic: [
     application_name: 'MyApp Name', 
     license_key: '1234567890'

And voila, you should see transactions in you application overview on Newrelic.
The connector also reports responses with code >= 400 as error to Newrelic

####Installation troubleshooting
if you find yourself struggling with lhttpc compilation errors, you should remove non standard characters from this extension Author name.