# PlugOpenTracing
An Elixir Plug for adding OpenTracing instrumentation.
## Usage
Update your `mix.exs` file and run `mix deps.get`.
defp deps do
[{:plug_opentracing, "~> 0.1"}]
Add the plug to a pipeline. In this case we will look for the
`uber-trace-id` header to exist. If so, it is split on `:` and
the first and second values are used as the trace_id and parent_id
when creating the span.
defmodule MyPhoenixApp.MyController do
use MyPhoenixApp.Web, :controller
alias Plug.Conn.Status
plug PlugOpenTracing, trace_id: 'uber-trace-id'
plug :action
def index(conn, _params) do
|> put_status(Status.code :ok)
The created span can be accessed using `conn.assigns[:trace_span]`. This is useful
when you want to use this span as the parent of another span in your request, or
if you want to add tags/logs to the span before it is finished.
The request span will be finished at the end of your request using a callback,
which will send it to the Jaeger or Zipkin endpoint you've set up in your config.