# PlugParamsValidation
Provides functionality for validating parameters
## Installation
def deps do
{:plug_params_validation, "~> 0.1.0"}
## Usage
use ParamsValidation
In order to get easy access to `expect/1` `body_params/0` and `query_params/0` function/macros.
Next, add the following plug after `plug :match`
plug(ParamsValidation, log_errors?: true)
Now, every endpoint with `expect/1` will validate what ever you specify in `expect`
In order to access the expected variables, use `body_params/0` macro
## Example
post "/register", expect(body_params: %{first_name: :string, last_name: :string, age: :integer}) do
first_name = body_params().first_name
last_name = body_params().last_name
age = body_params().age
if you would like to specify optional fields, you can pass a list to the `:optional_body_params` parameter in `expect/1`
optionals will be defaulted to nil.
post "/register", expect(body_params: %{first_name: :string, last_name: :string, age: :integer, phone: :string},
optional_body_params: [:phone]) do
first_name = body_params().first_name
last_name = body_params().last_name
age = body_params().age
phone = body_params().phone || Phone.default_value
this also works for `GET` requests:
get "/register/:name", expect(path_params: %{name: :string}) do
# name can be used and trusted to be a string
You can mix between `body_params` `optional_body_params` `path_params` and `query_params`...
When a request with bad parameters happens, the plug response with
status code 400 and the following body:
"errors": {
"last_name": [
"can't be blank"
"age": [
"can't be blank"