# PlugRequireHeader

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An Elixir Plug for requiring and extracting a given header.

## Usage

Update your `mix.exs` file and run `mix deps.get`.
defp deps do
  [{:plug_require_header, "~> 0.2"}]

Add the plug to e.g. a pipeline in a [Phoenix]( controller. In this case we will require the request header `x-api-key` to be set, extract its first value and assign it the connection (a `Plug.Conn`) for later use in another plug or action.
defmodule MyPhoenixApp.MyController do
  use MyPhoenixApp.Web, :controller
  alias Plug.Conn.Status

  plug PlugRequireHeader, api_key: "x-api-key"
  plug :action

  def index(conn, _params) do
    |> put_status Status.code(:ok)
    |> text "The API key used is: #{conn.assigns[:api_key]}"
Notice how the first value required header `"x-api-key"` has been extracted and can be retrieved using `conn.assigns[:api_key]`. An alternative is to use `Plug.Conn.get_req_header/2` to get all the values associated with a given header.

By default, a missing header will return a status code of 403 (forbidden) and halt the plug pipeline, i.e. no subsequent plugs will be executed. The same is true if the required header is explicitly set to nil. This behaviour is to be configurable in a future version.

## Planned features

* Require and extract multiple header keys and not just one.
* Make the action taken when a required header is missing configurable.
  * given an atom -> look up the Plug.Conn.Status code.
  * given an integer -> treat it as a status code.
  * given a function -> invoke the function and pass it the `conn` struct and the missing header/connection key pair.
  * configurable responses and content-types, e.g. JSON.