# Plugsnag

Report errors in your Plug stack or whatever to [Bugsnag](https://bugsnag.com),
because that's a super great place to send your errors.
## Installation/Usage
Just throw it in your deps in your `mix.exs`:
defp deps do
[{:plugsnag, "~> 1.4.0"}]
Then you'll need to configure it with your API key as
per [the bugsnag-elixir docs](https://github.com/jarednorman/bugsnag-elixir).
To use the plug, `use` it in your router. For example in an Phoenix app:
defmodule YourApp.Router do
use Phoenix.Router
use Plugsnag
# ...
If you want to define your own `handle_errors` functions using [Plug.ErrorHandler](https://hexdocs.pm/plug/Plug.ErrorHandler.html), then you can call `Plugsnag.handle_errors/{2,3}` directly.
defmodule YourApp.Router do
use Phoenix.Router
use Plug.ErrorHandler
# ...
defp handle_errors(conn, assigns) do
Plugsnag.handle_errors(conn, assigns)
# do your own handling
### Filtering Parameters and Headers
By default, the `BasicErrorReportBuilder` will filter out password parameters from error reports sent to Bugsnag. You can customize this list inside your configuration:
config :plugsnag, filter: [params: ~w(password password_confirmation super_sekrit), headers: []]
## Customizing error reporting
You can also customize how an error is sent to bugsnag-elixir by passing your
own custom ErrorReportBuilder with the `:error_report_builder` option.
defmodule YourApp.Router do
use Phoenix.Router
use Plugsnag, error_report_builder: YourApp.ErrorReportBuilder
# ...
defmodule YourApp.ErrorReportBuilder do
@behaviour Plugsnag.ErrorReportBuilder
def build_error_report(error_report, conn) do
|> Plugsnag.BasicErrorReportBuilder.build_error_report(conn)
|> put_user_info(conn)
defp put_user_info(error_report, conn) do
current_user = conn.assigns[:current_user]
user_info = %{
id: current_user.id
%{error_report | user: user_info}