
defmodule Pockets.EtsInfo do
  @moduledoc """
  A struct defining information about an Erlang `:ets` in-memory table,
  adapted from [](

  This struct is one of the possible values returned from ``.
  @type t :: %__MODULE__{
          name: atom,
          type: :bag | :duplicate_bag | :set,
          size: integer,
          keypos: integer,
          id: Pockets.alias(),
          decentralized_counters: any,
          read_concurrency: boolean,
          write_concurrency: boolean,
          compressed: any,
          memory: any,
          owner: any,
          heir: any,
          node: any,
          named_table: boolean,
          protection: any

  defstruct [

  def new(info), do: struct(__MODULE__, info)