![Pokerap drop](

# Pokerap

Elixir wrapper library for the Pokeapi [](

[Hex Docs](

## Installation

  1. Add `pokerap` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

    def deps do
      [{:pokerap, "~> 0.0.11"}]

  2. Ensure `pokerap` is started before your application: (this is necessary for HTTPoison to start)

    def application do
      [applications: [:pokerap]]

## Usage
Every resource under []( is mapped to the `Pokerap` module with a function that returns a pattern matchable tuple, as well as a ! version that only returns data.

	{:ok, pikachu} = Pokerap.pokemon(:pikachu)
	pikatwo = Pokerap.pokemon!(:pikachu)

Resources that have a hypen in the name such as `/api/v2/pokemon-species/{id or name}` have been renamed so they are valid Elixir


Any function for a resource under []( that can take `{id or name}` can take strings, atoms or integers.

	{:ok, eevee} = Pokerap.pokemon(:eevee)
	{:ok, jolteon} = Pokerap.pokemon("jolteon")
	{:ok, espeon} = Pokerap.pokemon(196)

Any function for a resource under []( that can **only** take `{id}` can take integers (at the moment. Thinking of doing this so it can take URL's as well. Building guards into this maybe a good idea
for the future.)

	{:ok, eevee_evolution_chain} = Pokerap.evolution_chain(67)
	{:error, 500} = Pokerap.evolution_chain(:cubone)

I _highly_ recommend you play around with this in IEX because the amount of data, and how it's organized, can
be overwhelming.

### Convenience functions
Since there is a lot of data in this API, I wrote some helpers!

Convenience functions are found under `Pokerap.Ez` (so you can get to the stuff you just want to know)

For example:

	iex(1)> Pokerap.pokemon!(:abomasnow)["types"]
	[%{"slot" => 2,
		"type" => %{"name" => "ice", "url" => ""}},
 	%{"slot" => 1,
   		"type" => %{"name" => "grass", "url" => ""}}]

Would take a bit to parse, however

	iex(2)> Pokerap.Ez.types!(:abomasnow)
	["ice", "grass"]

No problem! (Although maybe a bit too simplified...this may get improved upon)

Lets try another one! What if we want to see how a Pokemon can evolve?

	iex(1)> Pokerap.pokemon_species!(:pikachu)["evolution_chain"]
	%{"url" => ""}
	iex(2)> Pokerap.evolution_chain(10)
	 %{"baby_trigger_item" => nil,
	   "chain" => %{"evolution_details" => [],
	     "evolves_to" => [%{"evolution_details" => [%{"gender" => nil,
	           "held_item" => nil, "item" => nil, "known_move" => nil,
	           "known_move_type" => nil, "location" => nil, "min_affection" => nil,
	           "min_beauty" => nil, "min_happiness" => 220, "min_level" => nil,
	           "needs_overworld_rain" => false, "party_species" => nil,
	           "party_type" => nil, "relative_physical_stats" => nil,
	           "time_of_day" => "", "trade_species" => nil,
	           "trigger" => %{"name" => "level-up",
	             "url" => ""},
	           "turn_upside_down" => false}],
	        "evolves_to" => [%{"evolution_details" => [%{"gender" => nil,
	              "held_item" => nil,
	              "item" => %{"name" => "thunder-stone",
	                "url" => ""},
	              "known_move" => nil, "known_move_type" => nil, "location" => nil,
	              "min_affection" => nil, "min_beauty" => nil,
	              "min_happiness" => nil, "min_level" => nil,
	              "needs_overworld_rain" => false, "party_species" => nil,
	              "party_type" => nil, "relative_physical_stats" => nil,
	              "time_of_day" => "", "trade_species" => nil,
	              "trigger" => %{"name" => "use-item",
	                "url" => ""},
	              "turn_upside_down" => false}], "evolves_to" => [],
	           "is_baby" => false,
	           "species" => %{"name" => "raichu",
	             "url" => ""}}],
	        "is_baby" => false,
	        "species" => %{"name" => "pikachu",
	          "url" => ""}}],
	     "is_baby" => true,
	     "species" => %{"name" => "pichu",
	       "url" => ""}}, "id" => 10}}
Whoa! Pretty chewy. The Thunderstone adds a bit, but still something to sift through. (Try Eevee!)

Lets do this instead

	iex(5)> Pokerap.Ez.evolution(:pikachu)
	{:ok, ["pichu", "pikachu", "raichu"]}

That's better!

`/lib/Pokerap.Ez.ex` is pretty short, so you can browse through there to see what all you can do.

**Try 'em all!**
## ENV/Config Settings
All of these have defaults so they are **optional**.

|  Env  | Desc | Format | Default
|`:pokerap, :timeout`|timeout to send request(?) | integer (in milliseconds) | 8000
|`:pokerap, :recv_timeout`|timeout to receive response | integer (in milliseconds) | 5000
|`:pokerap, :language`|default language | string | "en"

Can be set such as:

	Application.put_env(:pokerap, language: "es")

or in Config.exs

    config :pokerap, language: "es"

See []( for full list of supported languages.

Be advised that not all flavor texts have listings for
all languages, so if you're getting `{:ok, %{}}` for every Pokemon, you might try
switching to "ja" or "ja-kanji" to double check before filing an issue.

Also configurable is the timeout for HTTPoison. I found the default resulted in many timeouts. See []( for source of default values and ideas for possible future features.

### Anticipated Questions:

**"Hey, how come all of the map keys are strings, and not atoms! That's not very Elixir-y!"**

It's a feature of HTTPoison. You can rekey if you like [](

### What's next?
* Testing. This will require a bunch of mocking against HTTPoison, so I'm not really looking forward to it
* Possibly look into returning structs for some EZ functions. Maybe even a "Pokedex" style struct that matches entries from the games/anime/manga (If I can remember what those look like)
* logging
* better use of multiple language options on resources where it makes sense