# Poolex

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Poolex is a library for managing pools of workers. Inspired by [poolboy](

## Requirements

| Requirement | Version |
| Erlang/OTP  | >= 22   |
| Elixir      | >= 1.7  |

## Table of Contents

- [Installation](#installation)
- [Getting Started](docs/guides/
  - [Starting pool of workers](docs/guides/
    - [Poolex configuration options](docs/guides/
  - [Working with the pool](docs/guides/
- [Example of use](docs/guides/
  - [Defining the worker](docs/guides/
  - [Configuring Poolex](docs/guides/
  - [Using Poolex](docs/guides/
- [Custom implementations](docs/guides/
  - [Callers](docs/guides/
  - [Workers](docs/guides/
  - [Writing custom implementations](docs/guides/
- [Contributions](#contributions)

## Installation

Add `:poolex` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:poolex, "~> 0.4.0"}

## Usage

In the most typical use of Poolex, you only need to start pool of workers as a child of your application.

pool_config = [
  worker_module: SomeWorker,
  workers_count: 5

children = [
    id: :worker_pool,
    start: {Poolex, :start_link, [:worker_pool, pool_config]}

Supervisor.start_link(children, strategy: :one_for_one)

Then you can execute any code on the workers with `run/3`:

iex>, &(is_pid?(&1)), timeout: 1_000)
{:ok, true}

A detailed description of the available configuration or examples of use can be found in [documentation](docs/

## Contributions

If you feel something can be improved, or have any questions about certain behaviours or pieces of implementation, please feel free to file an issue. Proposed changes should be taken to issues before any PRs to avoid wasting time on code which might not be merged upstream.

If you are ready to make changes to the project, then please read the [Contributing guide](docs/ first.