POP3 client library for Erlang. It is derived from the original "epop" Erlang package which includes both a POP server and client.
epop author: [*Torbjörn Törnkvist*]( when working at Software Engineering Research Center, SERC, in Melbourne
### Documentation ###
[epop 2.9 documentation](
[RFC 1939](
Note that the proposed standard [RFC 2449]( is NOT supported.
### Changes ###
2019-05-21 Nico Hoogervorst - v1.3.1, Replaced obsolete functions; string:tokens, string:str, string:substr, string:cspan.
2019-01-26 Nico Hoogervorst - v1.3, added line-by-line/streaming interface. Added NOOP. Stricter byte-stuffing. eunit tests.
2018-11-09 Nico Hoogervorst - v1.2, case-insensitive header lookup. Added erlpop as package 'pop3client' in
2017-06-13 Nico Hoogervorst - Added 'bin_retrieve' get binary data instead of character list to reduce memory consumption
2016-08-05 Nico Hoogervorst - Erlang V8.0.2 / OTP 19 upgrade
2013-04-18 Erik Søe Sørensen - Add an email address parser 'epop_address' (RFC5322)
2013-04-17 Erik Søe Sørensen - Erlang/OTP 15 upgrade, "TOP" fix; rebarify
2013-01-31 Wes James - update ssl start command to current erlang api
2009-10-06 Harish Mallipeddi - Added `epop_message` to parse retrieved email messages.
2008-09-10 Harish Mallipeddi - Added SSL support (epop_client can be now be used with services like GMail which require SSL).
### License ###
[Erlang public license]( is deprecated in June 2015 and replaced with Apache 2.0 license
### Usage Erlang ###
rebar3 compile
erl -pa ./_build/default/lib/pop3client/ebin
1> User = "".
2> {ok, Connection} = epop_client:connect(User, "yourpassword",
2> [ {addr, ""}, {port, 995}, {user, User}, ssl ] ).
3> {ok, {TotalCount, TotalSize}} = epop_client:stat(Connection).
4> {ok, TopContent} = epop_client:top(Connection, 1, 20).
5> {message, HeaderList, Body} = epop_message:parse(TopContent).
6> {ok, MailContent} = epop_client:bin_retrieve(Connection, 1).
7> {message, BinHeaderList, BinBody} = epop_message:bin_parse(MailContent).
8> {ok, Date} = epop_message:find_header(BinHeaderList, <<"Date">>).
9> epop_client:quit(Connection).
*NOTE*: It's important to call epop_client:quit/1 at the end, as it's responsible for closing (tcp/tls) socket.
The retrieval of an email can also be done line-by-line using retrieve_start, retrieve_next, retrieve_after.
Always call the retrievE_after when ready.
1> {ok, Acc} = epop_client:retrieve_start(Connection, 1).
2> {HaltOrNewLine, NewAcc} = epop_client:retrieve_next(Acc).
3> ok = epop_client:retrieve_after(NewAcc).
### Usage Elixir ###
Specially note how easy it is to create an Elixir stream
iex -S mix
iex(1)> user = ''
iex(2)> {ok, connection} = :epop_client.connect(user, 'yourpassword',
...(2)> [ {:addr, ''}, {:port, 995}, {:user, user}, :ssl] )
iex(3)> {:ok, {total_count, total_size}} = :epop_client.stat(connection)
iex(4)> # read headers and 20 lines of the body of the first email
iex(5)> {:ok, mail_content} =, 1, 20)
iex(6)> # separate headers and body
iex(7)> {:message, header_list, body} = :epop_message.parse(mail_content)
iex(8)> # create lazy stream resource for the first email
iex(9)> mail1stream = apply(Stream, :resource, :epop_client.retrieve_resource_functions(connection, 1))
iex(10)> # read from the stream. Example:
iex(11)> mail1stream |> Enum.find(fn(val) -> String.contains?(val, "Waldo") end) |> String.trim
iex(12)> # use the stream again and it will read the whole mail again. Now write to file:
iex(13)> file =!("mail1.eml", [:write, :delayed_write])
iex(14)> mail1stream |> Enum.into(file)
iex(15)> :epop_client.quit(connection)
*NOTE*: It's important to call epop_client:quit/1 at the end, as it's responsible for closing (tcp/tls) socket.
### escript example for downloading emails ###
escript pop3client_downloader --help
escript pop3client_downloader --username --password yourpassword --max 10 --output myinbox