# Population

Elixir OTP application library for the [World Population API](

## Public API

See the full online documentation [here](

### Countries: list available countries

* [countries/0](
* [countries!/0](!/0)

### Life Expectancy: calculate life expectancy

* [remaining_life_expectancy/4](
* [remaining_life_expectancy!/4](!/4)
* [total_life_expectancy/3](
* [total_life_expectancy!/3](!/3)

### Mortality Distribution: retrieve mortality distribution tables

* [mortality_distribution/3](
* [mortality_distribution!/3](!/3)

### World Population Rank: determine world population rank

* [rank_today/3](
* [rank_today!/3](!/3)
* [rank_by_date/4](
* [rank_by_date!/4](!/4)
* [rank_by_age/4](
* [rank_by_age!/4](!/4)
* [rank_in_past/4](
* [rank_in_past!/4](!/4)
* [rank_in_future/4](
* [rank_in_future!/4](!/4)
* [date_by_rank/4](
* [date_by_rank!/4](!/4)

### Population : retrieve population tables

* [tables/2](
* [tables!/2](!/2)
* [table_by_country/3](
* [table_by_country!/3](!/3)
* [tables_for_all_ages_by_country/2](
* [tables_for_all_ages_by_country!/2](!/2)
* [tables_for_all_years_by_country/2](
* [tables_for_all_years_by_country!/2](!/2)
* [table_for_country_by_date/2](
* [table_for_country_by_date!/2](!/2)
* [tables_for_today_and_tomorrow_by_country/1](
* [tables_for_today_and_tomorrow_by_country!/1](!/1)

## Installation

  1. Add `population` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

    def deps do
      [{:population, "~> 0.1.0"}]

  2. Ensure `population` is started before your application:

    def application do
      [applications: [:population]]