# Posexional

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Posexional is a library to manage positional files in Elixir.

## Installation

Add `posexional` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:posexional, "~> 0.4"}]

## Usage

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Positional files are the most bad and **terrifying file format** you ever want
to work with, believe me, it's utter crap. Still some *web services* use this
format to expose data services, and if you are here reading this, probably you
are in luck like us!

A positional file has a *format specification* like this:

| field name | offset | length | notes                                           |
| code       | 0      | 5      | request code fill with 0 and align on the right |
| prog       | 0      | 5      | progressive number (fill with spaces)           |
| type       | 21     | 2      | AA                                              |
| number     | 24     | 2      | 01                                              |
| name       | 27     | 10     | person name (fill with -)                       |
| future use | 38     | 2      | leave empty                                     |
| end        | 41     | 1      | !                                               |

The expected results should be something like this:

    000B1    1AA01george----  !
    000B2    2AA01john------  !
    000B3    3AA01ringo-----  !
    000B4    4AA01paul------  !

Cool uh?

With Posexional you can produce this file by defining a module that use

defmodule BeatlesFile do
  use PosexionalFile

  @separator "\\n"

  row :beatles do
    value :code, 5, filler: ?0, alignment: :right
    progressive_number :code, 5
    fixed_value "AA"
    fixed_value "01"
    value :name, 10, filler: ?-
    empty 2
    fixed_value "!"

And then use it in your code.

  beatles: [code: "B1", name: "george"],
  beatles: [code: "B2", name: "john"],
  beatles: [code: "B2", name: "ringo"],
  beatles: [code: "B2", name: "paul"]

In the first part we **define the structure** inside a module. We are not
saying what the content or the number of rows there will be, we are just saying
that there is a row called `:beatles` with the structure declared by the fields.

Then we can call `BeatlesFile.write/1`, we pass the data that should be written
in the fields. **Just the relevant data**, The empty fields, the fixed values
or the progressive number is managed by the library itself.

The `write/1` function accept a keyword list with the row name as key, and a
keyword list of {field name, field value} of data. If some data is bigger than
the field size an error is thrown

With the same exact module, we can even **read a positional file** by calling
`read/1` and passing a binary string of the file content.

There is only one thing to notice, when we write a file we **can be
declarative** and say what row we want to write, as well as the data we want in
it. On the other hand, while reading a positional file, we don't know which
rows we are reading, so we need to tell in some way to every row how it is
recognized, so that the parser is able to do its job.

Since we only have a row type (the beatles one) we can just say to the module
to always match the beatles row, as simple as:

defmodule BeatlesFile do
  use PosexionalFile

  @separator "\\n"

  row :beatles, :always do # add :always here to always match this row while reading
    value :code, 5, filler: ?0, alignment: :right
    progressive_number :code, 5
    fixed_value "AA"
    fixed_value "01"
    value :name, 10, filler: ?-
    empty 2
    fixed_value "!"

`:always` is a special type that always match, you could also pass `:never`
(not so useful!) and, to gain total control over the choice, a function with a
single argument(the full row content) to match some data inside of it.

Now we are able to parse a positional file.

"000B1    1AA01george----  !\n000B2    2AA01john------  !\n000B2    3AA01ringo-----  !\n000B2    4AA01paul------  !"
|> IO.puts

This is the output.

[beatles: [code: "B1", code: 1, fixed_value: "AA", fixed_value: "01",
  name: "george", fixed_value: "!"],
 beatles: [code: "B2", code: 2, fixed_value: "AA", fixed_value: "01",
  name: "john", fixed_value: "!"],
 beatles: [code: "B2", code: 3, fixed_value: "AA", fixed_value: "01",
  name: "ringo", fixed_value: "!"],
 beatles: [code: "B2", code: 4, fixed_value: "AA", fixed_value: "01",
  name: "paul", fixed_value: "!"]]

Positional files cool again!!! Well no...they still sucks...but a little less.

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## Contributing

Thank your for considering helping with this project. Please see
`` file for contributing to this project.

## License

MIT License. Copyright (c) 2015-2020