defmodule PowEmailConfirmation.Phoenix.ControllerCallbacks do
@moduledoc """
Controller callback logic for e-mail confirmation.
### User hasn't confirmed e-mail
Triggers on `Pow.Phoenix.RegistrationController.create/2` and
When a user is created or authenticated, and the current e-mail hasn't been
confirmed, a confirmation e-mail is sent, the session will be cleared, an
error flash is set for the `conn` and the user redirected back to
`Pow.Phoenix.Routes.after_registration_path/1` or
`Pow.Phoenix.Routes.after_sign_in_path/1` respectively.
### User updates e-mail
Triggers on `Pow.Phoenix.RegistrationController.update/2` and
When a user changes their e-mail, a confirmation e-mail is send to the new
e-mail, and an error flash is set for the `conn`. The same happens if the
`PowInvitation` extension is enabled, and a user updates their e-mail when
accepting their invitation. It's assumed that the current e-mail for the
invited user has already been confirmed, see
`PowInvitation.Ecto.Schema.invite_changeset/3` for more.
See `PowEmailConfirmation.Ecto.Schema` for more.
### Unique constraint error on `:email`
Triggers on `Pow.Phoenix.RegistrationController.create/2`.
When a user can't be created and the changeset has a unique constraint error
for the `:email` field, the user will experience the same success flow as if
the user could be created, but no e-mail is sent out. This prevents
user enumeration. If `pow_prevent_user_enumeration: false` is set in
`conn.private` the form with error will be shown instead.
use Pow.Extension.Phoenix.ControllerCallbacks.Base
alias Plug.Conn
alias Pow.Plug, as: PowPlug
alias PowEmailConfirmation.Phoenix.{ConfirmationController, Mailer}
alias PowEmailConfirmation.Plug
@doc false
@impl true
def before_respond(Pow.Phoenix.RegistrationController, :create, {:ok, user, conn}, _config) do
return_path = routes(conn).after_registration_path(conn)
halt_unconfirmed(conn, {:ok, user, conn}, return_path)
def before_respond(Pow.Phoenix.RegistrationController, :create, {:error, changeset, conn}, _config) do
case PowPlug.__prevent_user_enumeration__(conn, changeset) do
true ->
return_path = routes(conn).after_registration_path(conn)
conn = redirect_with_email_confirmation_required(conn, return_path)
{:halt, conn}
false ->
{:error, changeset, conn}
def before_respond(Pow.Phoenix.RegistrationController, :update, {:ok, user, conn}, _config) do
return_path = routes(conn).after_user_updated_path(conn)
warn_unconfirmed(conn, user, return_path)
def before_respond(Pow.Phoenix.SessionController, :create, {:ok, conn}, _config) do
return_path = routes(conn).after_sign_in_path(conn)
halt_unconfirmed(conn, {:ok, conn}, return_path)
def before_respond(PowInvitation.Phoenix.InvitationController, :update, {:ok, user, conn}, _config) do
return_path = routes(conn).after_registration_path(conn)
warn_unconfirmed(conn, user, return_path)
defp halt_unconfirmed(conn, success_response, return_path) do
case Plug.email_unconfirmed?(conn) do
true -> halt_and_send_confirmation_email(conn, return_path)
false -> success_response
defp halt_and_send_confirmation_email(conn, return_path) do
send_confirmation_email(PowPlug.current_user(conn), conn)
conn =
|> PowPlug.delete()
|> redirect_with_email_confirmation_required(return_path)
{:halt, conn}
defp redirect_with_email_confirmation_required(conn, return_path) do
error = extension_messages(conn).email_confirmation_required(conn)
|> Phoenix.Controller.put_flash(:info, error)
|> Phoenix.Controller.redirect(to: return_path)
defp warn_unconfirmed(%{params: %{"user" => %{"email" => email}}} = conn, %{unconfirmed_email: email} = user, return_path) do
case Plug.pending_email_change?(conn) do
true -> warn_and_send_confirmation_email(conn, return_path)
false -> {:ok, user, conn}
defp warn_unconfirmed(conn, user, _return_path), do: {:ok, user, conn}
defp warn_and_send_confirmation_email(conn, return_path) do
user = PowPlug.current_user(conn)
error = extension_messages(conn).email_confirmation_required_for_update(conn)
send_confirmation_email(user, conn)
conn =
|> Phoenix.Controller.put_flash(:info, error)
|> Phoenix.Controller.redirect(to: return_path)
{:halt, conn}
@doc """
Sends a confirmation e-mail to the user.
The user struct passed to the mailer will have the `:email` set to the
`:unconfirmed_email` value if `:unconfirmed_email` is set.
@spec send_confirmation_email(map(), Conn.t()) :: any()
def send_confirmation_email(user, conn) do
url = confirmation_url(conn, user)
unconfirmed_user = %{user | email: user.unconfirmed_email ||}
email = Mailer.email_confirmation(conn, unconfirmed_user, url)
Pow.Phoenix.Mailer.deliver(conn, email)
defp confirmation_url(conn, user) do
token = Plug.sign_confirmation_token(conn, user)
routes(conn).url_for(conn, ConfirmationController, :show, [token])