
# PowResetPassword

This extension will allow users to reset the password by sending an e-mail with a reset password link. It requires that the user schema has an `:email` field.

To prevent user enumeration attacks, the generic `PowResetPassword.Phoenix.Messages.maybe_email_has_been_sent/1` message is always shown when requesting password reset. If `pow_prevent_user_enumeration: false` is set in `conn.private` the form will be shown instead with the `PowResetPassword.Phoenix.Messages.user_not_found/1` message.

## Installation

Follow the instructions for extensions in [](../../../, and set `PowResetPassword` in the `:extensions` list.

## Configuration

Add the following link to your `WEB_PATH/controllers/pow/session_html/new.html.heex` template (you may need to generate the templates first):

<.link navigate={~p"/reset-password/new"} class="text-sm font-semibold">Forgot your password?<./link>